Look Out For June 2012 As The Illuminati Gangsters Have Lots Of Ritual Days To Do Evil Things On!
RedDragonLeo/This coming month should be full of surprises. The ritual dates are powerful and I can’t imagine the gangsters passing them up without doing something evil somewhere. First off this Tuesday is a very ritual “eleven” day for the Illuminati (who control the stock market). It’s the 29th (2+9=11) and a very common down day. Considering the fact that they are rallying the futures in front of this Tuesday and that the charts are all overbought and ready to rollover, I’d say the odds of Tuesday being an ugly red day are very high.
However, more important is next month as June is a “six” month (it’s the 6 month of the year, as 0+6=6) and this year is a “five” year (2012=5, ["2+0+1+2=5"])… which makes the 2 added together an “eleven”. This makes next month a favorite for the Illuminati gangsters and one for us sheep to watch out for. The key dates I’d watch out for are the 11th, 22nd, and the 29th.
The 11th is actually a double “eleven” day, as it’s obviously an “eleven”, but there is another reason. This is because the other way they calculate it is to add up all the digits in the whole date, not just the digits in the day but the month and year too. That is 0+6+(11)+2+0+1+2=22 (06/11/2012). Please note though as master numbers aren’t added together (those are numbers that are dividable by 11… 22,33,44, etc…), which means that you don’t add the result together because it’s a master number.
If it added up to say 23 you would add the 2+3 to get 5, or if it would have added up to 29 you would add the 2+9=11, which is what I did with the day of the week for this Tuesday making it a “daily” eleven date. But if it’s an 11,22, 33, etc… you don’t add the digits together. That’s why I didn’t add up 1+1, but keep it whole as “eleven” and added it to the rest of the digits.
So, next month we have the 11th, which is a double “eleven”…
06/11/2012 = a yearly “eleven” as the actual digits all added up together (remember to add “11″ as a whole, not 1+1) equals 22.
06/11/2012 = what the hands on the clock are pointing to in the Simpsons episode.
06/11/2012 = 9/11 upside down… and we’ve already had a 3/11 (when Bush, Rockefeller, etc… attacked Japan with HAARP and a planted nuke on the ocean floor fault line)
Then we have the next ritual date on the 22nd of June…
06/22/2012 = a daily “eleven” as the 22nd is a master number that is dividable by 11… therefore it’s an “eleven”06/22/2012 = a yearly “eleven” as the actual digits all added up together (remember to add “22″ as a whole, not 2+2) equals 33.
Being that it’s a 33 it should add more power to it as George H. Bush is a 33rd degree Free Mason (where the Illuminati hide at) and the number itself is very powerful to these murderers.
Of course the other ritual date is the 29th of June…
06/29/2012 = a daily “eleven” as the actual day of the month equals it. (2+9=11)”.06/29/2012 = a yearly “eleven” as the actual digits all added up together equals 22 (0+6+2+9+2+0+1+2=22 ).
I’m not saying that the market will crash on any of these dates, but that something bad could happen. Maybe it affects the stock market and causes a big down day, or maybe it doesn’t. But one thing is certain… the Illuminati will stage something evil on these dates. They just can’t let them pass by without doing something wicked. After all, they are the bad guys you know… and they must do something bad to keep their reputation.
As I said previously, they are currently running up the overnight futures prior to Tuesdays’ open. They will be nice and overbought at the open, and line up nicely with the overbought SPX, DIA, IWM, QQQ, etc…, which means that just on a technical picture you have the makings of a down day. Then you add in the fact that it’s a ritual “eleven” date (only a “daily” eleven, which isn’t as powerful as a “yearly” eleven) and you have ever reason to expect a nice move down to start.
Since the weekly chart is also bearish I’d expect this whole week to end up going down and closing red. We had our bounce last week and put in a slightly positive close for the week, recovering a little more then a third of the previous weeks’ sell off. The daily chart actually had a positive close on the Histogram bars last Friday and looks ready to rollover again. It has yet to make a positive divergence on the MACD’s, which means a lower low is coming before it really turns back up to rally for awhile.
This next wave down is likely to be the 5th wave down with last weeks’ rally being the 4th wave up. This is on a daily chart with the first wave down starting at the high of 1422.38 on April 2nd (an “eleven” day… 0+4+0+2+2+0+1+2=11).
Then a choppy wave 2 up into the Legatus meeting May 2nd-May 4th high of 1415.32, and the wave 3 down starting on May 1st (an “eleven” day… 0+5+0+1+2+0+1+2=11). This last wave down should put in a positive divergence on the MACD’s and complete the first larger “Wave 1″ down from the April 2nd high to whatever the coming low is.
The wave 3 starting high on May 1st was 1415.32 and the ending low on May 18th was 1291.98… which is 123.34 points in total. If we look at closing prices only we have 1405.82 to 1295.22 which is 110.60 points. (Note that if I were to round up the 1405.82 to an even 1406 and round down the 1295.22 to an even 1295 we’d have 111 points!) Too funny! More rituals…
Ok, so have far down do wave 5′s usually go?
If this is the low then it would be a “truncated” 5th wave down as wave 3 is about 111 points. However, we haven’t opened yet for Tuesday and we could (and should from the looks of the overnight futures) be up higher at the open before starting the sell off. This high could be that 1338 resistance area, which would then make the move down to 1269 equal 69 points.
That’s still a truncated 5th wave but it makes up nicely with a 61.8% Fibonacci move. Meaning that the 5th wave down moves 61.8% of the 3rd wave down. Since wave 3 down was 111 points, then 61.8% of that equals 68.598 (funny how these FP’s line up with Fib. levels).
But what if it doesn’t rally up into Tuesday and the high was put in last week?
Well, the actual high last week was on Tuesday May 22nd (another “eleven” day… LOL) at 1328.49 (we’ll round it down and call it an even 1328. So, 1328 – 1269 = 59 points right… which isn’t any Fibonacci number that I can see as 50% would be 55.5 points (of the 111 points from wave 3 down).I could play with the numbers all day but until the open on Tuesday I’m really just guessing. The important thing to focus on here is that the likely low coming for this 5th wave down is that FP of 1269 (do note though that it’s on the ES Futures and not the SPX cash, which are commonly a few points different from each other).
I would also look for the overnight sessions on the ES Futures as I’ve seen it hit the FP during afterhours/premarket and complete the move… validating the FP, and ending the sell off or rally. Therefore you should look for both regular hours trading and non-regular hours for the ES, and look for the FP on the dollar to be hit around the same time period.
When should this all happen?
I’d guess again and say within the next 2 weeks or less. A move of 59-69 points isn’t really that much further down and could easily happen in only a few days if the gangsters want it too. Then the first larger wave 1 down would be completed from the April 2nd top. Since that’s currently 8 weeks ago, and assuming the 1269 print is hit this week, that means the first larger wave 1 down will have taken about 9 weeks to end.Then we should have a larger wave 2 up, which will likely be choppy but make up some type of ABC pattern up just like this larger wave 1 down is forming a 5 wave pattern. This wave 2 up should much less then the 9 weeks it’s taking to form the first larger wave 1 down. I’d guess that it takes 3-5 weeks to complete.
Thinking like a gangster here, as they control the stock market, I’d cut this rally short and not take it out 3-5 for this large wave 2 up. Why you ask? Because all the ritual “eleven” dates are coming up this month of June. Meaning that if I were to want to keep my evil empire going I wouldn’t let these powerful days pass without using them to their fullest.
It’s possible that they cut it really short and make it only last about 2 weeks or so… which means that it should end of the ritual date of June 11th. That would then start the larger wave 3 down with some type of “false flag” nuclear event like in the Simpsons show. Thinking about this week and we could actually sell off to the 1269 FP in only a couple of days and then rally back some the rest of the week to make this week considered a “half” week down.
That would mean that we could have 8 1/2 weeks down for the larger wave 1 down, and 1 1/2 weeks up for the larger wave 2 (completing again by the 11th). However, this just doesn’t line up right for me. Since the FP of 1267 was given to us I’m inclined to believe that it will indeed complete the first larger wave 1 down. But the larger wave 2 up (making up an ABC move) must last longer then just 1 1/2 weeks.
I’m thinking now that they will use the ritual date of the 22nd to complete larger wave 2 up. This lines up nicely with Ben Bernanke giving the FOMC meeting on Wednesday of that week from the 2 day meeting on the 19th and 20th. What will that idiot say that will cause the next wave down? Or is that too soon and instead they use the 29th for start of the larger wave 3 down? Lot’s of choices here, but few certain answers. This will be a “wait and see” game I believe.
The charts should give us clues to the possible outcome. We just have to match them up with the ritual dates and we’ll have a much better chance of figuring out the gangsters plans. For all I know we could go up into the FOMC meeting (after the sell off to 1269 first of course) and rally more after it because Bernanke promises more help if needed. Then the top could be either the ritual date on the 29th (making the larger wave 2 up last about 4 weeks).
Let’s not forget the coming Olympics in July…
The gangsters have put out movies showing and/or implying that a bomb is going to go off in London during the Olympic games. While I hope and pray this doesn’t happen we have to look at the reality that this Illuminati Reptilians are insane and will do whatever it takes to stay in control and bring on their “New World Order”. So there is still a real possibility that they pull this off and kill thousands of innocent people.Yes, the good guys know about the plans I’m sure and will try to stop them. So will the good aliens/angels. But what if they fail? I find the alignment of the Elloittwave count very interesting when the month of July comes up. Regardless of how long it takes for the sell off down to the 1269 FP to end the first larger wave 1 down, I’d certainly speculate that the larger wave 2 up will also end before the Olympics start.
What if we are lined up for some type of larger wave 3 down to start around the time the Illuminati cabal plan to set off their bomb during the Olympics? Talk about a disaster waiting to happen… the market would drop faster then Bernanke can print money! If that happens then we will likely be on our way down to the sub-1000 level I’d say. Maybe then at that point Ben will come in and stop the bleeding with QE3?
That makes more sense too me at this time then raising interest rates as I previously thought could happen at this next FOMC meeting in June. Then they could rally up until the next Legatus meeting this coming October 10th-21st… and then let the market really crash! Notice that this coming meeting will be for “eleven” days and that the 22nd (an “eleven” day) follows the end of the meeting… which happens to be on a Monday.
Yes, think back many years to previous crashes and it’s funny how October and Mondays seem to appear a lot (and “elevens”). Going back to the date of October 25th, 1929 when the stock crashed it was of course on a “Monday”, and an “Eleven” day. How you ask? Just add up all the digits in the date and you get a “yearly” eleven day. The date was 10/25/1929, which is 1+0+2+5+1+9+2+9=29… and since 29 isn’t a master number you must add the 2 digits together, which of equals “eleven” (2+9=11).
Just so you are clear on this, a “daily” eleven date is simply when the 2 digits of the day add up to “eleven”. Obviously that is only on the 29th of every month. Since it’s just a “daily” eleven I’d say that it doesn’t carry as much weight or power as a “yearly” one does. This is just based on my assumption from looking at many previous months to see what happened on the 29th.
A “yearly” eleven is when all the digits add up to an “eleven”. This means they could add up to a master number like 11, 22, 33, etc… or a number that when you add those 2 digits together you get an “eleven”. That would be like 29 (2+9=11) or 38 (3+8=11), etc… So this coming Tuesday the 29th should be a really powerful ritual “eleven” day as it’s not a “yearly” one. If you add up all the digits in 05/29/2012 you get 21… which then added together equals 3 (2+1=3).
But the month of June is different as not only does 2+9=11 for the “daily” ritual eleven date, but 06/29/2012 equals 22… which is a master number, and an “eleven” number. It’s a more powerful combination date, just like the 11th and the 22nd of June will also be. This is why June is going to be something to watch for closely.
This isn’t about just ritual numbers…
Yes, I’ve made this post about ritual numbers but the charts need to line up as well, so the move down can be confirmed by both the ritual date and the technical analysis. That’s the exact situation with what I see for the open tomorrow on Tuesday, May 29th 2012… a very bearish alignment and a ritual day to add into the mix.I’ve pretty much only scratched the surface here with the ritual numbers as I’ve only focused on “eleven”. As we all know there are many more ritual numbers like 666 (the mark of the beast), .314 (the number for “pi”), and 212 (boiling point for water). Those have their own multiples when figuring them out (like 666=36 or 3 six’s which also equals 3×6 or 18, etc…). I’ll leave that for another day as right now the most obvious ritual number is eleven and it seems to be the most important one as well.
Ok, there you have what’s coming for ritual dates of the Illuminati… which makes June out to be a very scary month. Best of luck to all and keep you eyes open for more FP’s!
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