Equal rights for all, special privileges for none."

Following up this article..A few tens of tones sardines washed up on fishing port in Chiba
FukushimaDiary/10 thousand sardines were found dead on the beach in Minami shitaura machi Miura city Kanagawa as well.
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation staff reported it to the city government around at 15:00 6/14/2012.
Probably it’s been a few days since they were washed up.
From the result of simple water quality testing, nothing abnormal was found. Prefectural government is going to investigate more.
Staff talks there is a possibility that the sardines were chased after large predators from offshore, but a farmer near this area talks he hasn’t seen such a thing before.
職員が現場で簡易の水質検査を行ったところ、異常は見られなかった。県は原因について詳細な調査を行うとともに、明日以降、回収を進めるという。ま とまって打ち上げられたことから、担当者は「調査を進めないと分からないが、可能性として沖合から大型の魚に追い込まれたことが考えられる」と話してい る。
ExtinctionProtocol/JAPAN - Ten thousand sardines were found dead on the beach in Minami shitaura machi Miura city Kanagawa as well. Public Interest Incorporated Foundation staff reported it to the city government around at 15:00 6/14/2012. Probably it’s been a few days since they were washed up. From the result of simple water quality testing, nothing abnormal was found. Prefectural government is going to investigate more. Staff talks there is a possibility that the sardines were chased after large predators from offshore, but a farmer near this area talks he hasn’t seen such a thing before. Last week a massive fish kill was also reported near Chiba Japan. –Fukushima Diary
Following up this article..A few tens of tones sardines washed up on fishing port in Chiba
FukushimaDiary/10 thousand sardines were found dead on the beach in Minami shitaura machi Miura city Kanagawa as well.
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation staff reported it to the city government around at 15:00 6/14/2012.
Probably it’s been a few days since they were washed up.
From the result of simple water quality testing, nothing abnormal was found. Prefectural government is going to investigate more.
Staff talks there is a possibility that the sardines were chased after large predators from offshore, but a farmer near this area talks he hasn’t seen such a thing before.
職員が現場で簡易の水質検査を行ったところ、異常は見られなかった。県は原因について詳細な調査を行うとともに、明日以降、回収を進めるという。ま とまって打ち上げられたことから、担当者は「調査を進めないと分からないが、可能性として沖合から大型の魚に追い込まれたことが考えられる」と話してい る。
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