Thomas Jefferson
Please done feed the Homeless, it can land you in jail. I guess they should of not lost their jobs right!?
(this is terrible)
recently banned outdoor feeding of people in city parks. Denver has
begun enforcing a ban on eating and sleeping on property without
permission. And this month, lawmakers in Ashland, Ore., will consider
strengthening the town's ban on camping and making noise in public.
And the list goes on: Atlanta, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, Oklahoma City
and more than 50 other cities have previously adopted some kind of
anti-camping or anti-food-sharing laws, according to the National Law
Center on Homelessness & Poverty.
The ordinances are pitting city officials
against homeless advocates. City leaders say they want to improve the
lives of homeless people and ensure public safety, while supporters of
the homeless argue that such regulations criminalize homelessness and
make it harder to live on the nation's streets.
"We're seeing these types of laws being proposed
and passed all over the country," said Heather Johnson, a civil rights
attorney at the homeless and poverty law center, which opposes many
of the measures. "We think that criminalization measures such as these
are counterproductive. Rather than address the root cause of
homelessness, they perpetuate homelessness."
Vagrancy laws
Cities that have adopted laws affecting the homeless:
Anti-Camping • Atlanta
• Denver
• Los Angeles
• Miami
• New York
• Seattle
Anti-Food-Sharing • Phoenix
• Orlando
• Cleveland
Anti-Camping • Atlanta
• Denver
• Los Angeles
• Miami
• New York
• Seattle
Anti-Food-Sharing • Phoenix
• Orlando
• Cleveland
A number of organizations including the American
Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit against the city
of Philadelphia this month in response to its feeding ban.
Mark McDonald, press secretary for the city's mayor, Michael Nutter,
said the measures are about expanding the services offered to the
homeless, adding dignity to their lives and about ensuring good public
hygiene and safety.
"This is about an activity on city park land
that the mayor thinks is better suited elsewhere," he said. "We think
it's a much more dignified place to be in an indoor sit-down
restaurant. … The overarching policy goal of the mayor is based on a
belief that hungry people deserve something more than getting a ham
sandwich out on the side of the street."
If people come inside for feeding programs, they
can be connected with other social service programs and possibly speak
with officials such as substance abuse counselors and mental health
professionals, McDonald said.
Critics argue that bans on feeding and camping
often leave people with no where to eat or sleep because many cities
lack emergency food services and shelters. Meanwhile, citing people who
violate such ordinances costs cities money when officials try to
follow up on such cases and hurts people's ability to get jobs and
housing, because many develop criminal records.
In 2007, the National Law Center on Homelessness
& Poverty filed a lawsuit against Dallas contesting its ordinance
that restricted locations where groups could share food and prohibited
many groups from providing food in locations where they had served
homeless people for years. A trial is scheduled to begin this month.
"It is a good thing when you see municipal
governments paying attention to the homeless population and trying to
find a number of solutions to the crisis," said James Brooks, the National League of Cities'
program director for community development and infrastructure. "Cities
have an obligation not only to the people in the parks but to people
in the wider community to prevent a public health problem."
Brooks' group supports the ordinances and said
they are holistic approaches to solving a problem that will not simply
end by giving people shelter. The key to helping homeless people is to
get them indoors where social service workers can help them, Brooks
An opponent of the measures, Neil Donovan, executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless, sees the ordinances as possible signs of "compassion fatigue."
"People are getting frustrated and getting angry
at the issue," he said. "The person who is asking for money outside a
coffee shop, the person who is camping just outside the ballpark, the
chronically homeless are getting the brunt of this anger."
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