Why ‘Youth for Ron Paul’ is 110,000 Strong
The campaign made the announcement today that the ‘Youth for Ron Paul’ (YFP) program membership has now surpassed 110,000 members.This has happened in just eight months. This is amazing.
It is also not surprising. Discussing what he calls ‘First Globals’ (18-29 year olds) renowned pollster John Zogby broke down some interesting statistics last week at Forbes:
On some key issues, majorities of First Globals are not doctrinaire liberals. The poll found less than majorities agree with liberals on some of their most cherished beliefs. For example: 44% agree health insurance is a right government should provide for those who can’t afford it, 43% agree with the same statement about food and shelter, 37% agree government should spend more to reduce poverty, 20% agree government spending is an effective way to economic growth and 28% agree government should do more to curb climate change even at the expense of economic growth. (That last number has to hurt environmentalists.)
Lest Republicans get too giddy at those findings, they should also know less than majorities agree with these conservative and neo-con ideals: 22% agree it’s sometimes necessary to attack potentially hostile countries rather than waiting until we are attacked, 23% are willing to give up some personal freedoms for the sake of national security, 39% agree cutting taxes is an effective route to economic growth, 24% agree we should eliminate all barriers to trade, 25% agree recent immigration has done more harm than good, 21% agree religious values should play an important role in government and 25% agree homosexuality is morally wrong.
Zogby concludes:
These attitudes betraying both the traditional left and right fall generally within the bounds of libertarianism. Live and let live. Individual responsibility is as important as collective responsibility. Avoid military interventions. Distrust both government and corporations. Protect civil liberties.
Young voters have been the energy behind Ron Paul… He is still in the GOP race for President, apparently looking to impact the party platform.
Impact indeed. Those 110,000 Youth for Ron Paul members represent a force that will continue to reshape American politics far beyond 2012.
History is full of small groups that start revolutions. 110,000 is not a small group.
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