The Mass Arrest Timeline Is Here As The Stock Market Pauses In The Eye Of A Hurricane
You asked for it… you got it!
RedDragonLeo/Here’s the timeline for the mass arrest of the Illuminati Cabal Gangsters (Henry Kissenger, George H. Bush, George W. Bush, David Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Warren Buffet, George Soro’s, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, JP Morgan family, Members of the Vanderbuilt family, the Rothchilds, the Warburgs, The Royal Family and the Queen, The Pope, lesser minons like Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein [Goldman Sachs CEO], Jamie Dimon [JP Morgan CEO], Kenneth D. Lewis [Bank of America CEO], Vikram Pandit [Citigroup CEO], and many others not listed here.(to watch on youtube:
I don’t have a clue how long it will take to get “Main Stream Media” (MSM) coverage as it has been previously stated by Ben Fulford that they already have George H. Bush and Bill Gates in custody. Of course the MSM isn’t covering that so we don’t really know if it’s true or not? I can only say that we have 1-3 months for all this to happen and come out in the public eye. So, let’s have a little faith here as a timeline has been set. I’m going to set back and watch as all this unfolds, because I can’t possibly figure out one reason for this to be “dis-information” put out by the gangsters? Why on earth would you publicly announce your own arrest?
So when is “Mid-Spring” you ask? I’d say this coming month of May is the time period they are talking about. The exact date is unknown, but I’m still looking for the week after this coming Legatus meeting to be the week that we see the first big cracks in the stock market. Of course the gangsters are known for faking out the bears and running it back up hard and fast to squeeze them all out before the really BIG move down starts. So, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit to see them run it back up into early June (maybe after the Bilderburg meeting May 31st-June 3rd?) to put in a slightly “lower high”, “higher high”, or “double top” before they let it collapse into the abyss.
Moving on to the spiritual side of things there is another chart showing “Timeline Scenario II” which speaks of disclosure of our alien brothers and sisters. This also points to the release of all the secret free energy technology that the Illuminati Cabal Gangsters have been suppressing from us sheep for decades now. Here’s the breakdown…
Mid ~ Spring 2012So for all the “nay-sayers” out there… here’s your timeline! If it doesn’t happen by the end of this year I’ll “take the Blue Pill” and get back in line in the un-employment slave line and obey my masters orders to be their slave again. I’ll also go back to posting boring in-accurate elliottwave and technical analysis charts designed to trick you into losing your money to the operators that control the stock market.
* Mass Public Arrests
* Announce New Banking System
* New Government In Power
* UFO Disclosure
Summer 2012
* Trial Dates Set
* Release Of Secret Technology
* New Business & Financial Infrastructure In Place
* Meetings With Earth – Based Members Of Space & Spiritual Families
This data obtained from Sheldan Nidle Webinar #26 April 22, 2012.
This site will then fall into the abyss with all the other stock market sites out there on the internet and become another fly on the wall repeating what thugs like Jim Cramer spit out to make you sheep think you can actually win in this rigged game. Yes my dear reader, this year will mark the end of this site if the good guys don’t win, as I just won’t have the ability to continue trying to “Wake YOU Up” with a “chip” in my head that contains all my access to the funds I need to live on.
The gangsters will win if they aren’t arrested this year!
This is the year of the Mayan Calendar and “if” the good guys can’t succeed in arresting this murdering, raping, satanic pigs then all us sheep had better be planning to get sheered. I for one… ain’t going down peacefully! There’ll be NO chip in my head or hand… it’s success or death for this sheep. Freedom is never without risks, and many have died to achieve it. I’ll be one of those who continues to expose the gangsters every chance I have… until I’m six feet under, or have won and become FREE!What you do and choose in your life is completely up to you. You can become a “Light Worker” and spread the news to everyone you know (even if people think you are crazy) or crawl back into your safe zone and say nothing. There’s NO right or wrong here… only choices. I choose to be the rebel in this life and buck society by speaking out for all of those that can’t. Since I live in America and still have some “Freedom of Speech”, I’ll use it to speak for those that don’t.
Let’s not forget all the innocent people that have been murdered by these satanist pigs, as although I’m not personally affected by what they have done I still think of what the ones that were affected must have felt. You may be safe in this life and not remember any of your past lives, but you could have been a poor child in some third world country that was attacked by diseases created by these pigs to kill you. Or un-nature events like Tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes that they used with their HAARP weather weapon.
While many still think that these gangsters aren’t going to be arrested and that they will succeed in rigging another presidential election by put in their next puppet Mitt Romney, I don’t agree. This is the year of change and the masses are waking up way too fast for the gangsters to stop. The military is fully backing these arrests just as you can see in this video showing a retired US Marines “Major Christopher Miller” whose clearly states his feels at a GOP Congressional District 3 Convention.
(to watch on youtube:
Clearly the “Sheep” are waking up, and the sheep in the military is the key to the successful arrests of these gangsters. Without the military being the “Big Bad Bullies” for the gangsters… they have NOTHING! They are defenseless when the “Pit Bull” they have chained up gets free and turns against them… and this (the military) is one angry pit bull! They know the wars are staged for profit and that innocent people are killed to make the gangsters richer.
We guess what? You gangsters just pissed off the prison guards and they plan to let the prisoners (the sheep… us!) free!
Yeah, I’m more confident then ever that these pigs are going to get arrested and fully believe that what people like Drake, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, and others ISN’T “Dis-Information” but real truthful stuff that’s going to happen. Yes, Fulford has been off on his timeline many times in the past, but he’s out there trying… which is something that gets my full respect. Hell, he’s fighting against a group of evil satanists that have been in control of this planet for hundreds of years… so being off a few years isn’t bad in the larger picture I’d say.As for Lindsey Williams, I do believe that Lindsey is a good person and doing his best to warn us. I’m also sure that the gangsters are using him to spread information that they want spread. They assume that if they tell Lindsey that “they” are going to succeed in bring oil up to $200.00 per barrel, gold to $3000.00 per ounce (I believe this one) and starting World War 3 … that we sheep will just lay down and doing nothing because we don’t have the power to stop them.
WRONG! We do have the power to stop them, and Lindsey has repeatedly stated for us sheep to wake up and do something to stop them. He even stated that “He Believes, Not What His Source Told Him” that this is going to be the “Beginning of the End for the New World Order (the Illuminati)”. I don’t think they counted on Lindsey spreading his message in such a way that begs people to stop the gangsters instead of giving up and assuming that “it’s always been this way, and it always will”.
They are obviously desperate right now as they are trying to yell out (with people like Lindsey Williams) that they are our masters and that we should obey them. This is like the Warden of the prison yelling out to the prisoners to get back into their cells when the electricity has just went out and opened all the doors allowing everyone to escape. At the same time the warden is yelling the guards just got their “pink slips” because they can’t afford to pay them anymore (this is after previously pay cuts in the months prior).
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