United Nations headquarters, New York City
rt/The United Nations plans to finalize their agenda for the rest of this year’s session this week in order to establish a game plan stretching into December, and Fox News reports that among the issues to be discussed during future hearings will be a series of international taxes that will take from the rich and give to the poor, with the UN General Assembly essentially acting as a global Robin Hood aiding countries that are still struggling to emerge.
Fox News claims in an exclusive report published this week that among the global taxes slated to be considered by the UN this year are a 1 percent tax on billionaires around the world, a “tiny” tax on all financial transactions worldwide and even yet another fee tacked on to already heavily-taxed airline tickets.
Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who also serves as an UN assistant secretary general, suggests that global excises include carbon taxes and other green-friendly initiatives in order to find a way to tackle the ever-present issue of climate change.
“We have to make a technological transition that’s quite deep to new energy systems, new transport systems, more efficient buildings and that can be back loaded,” Sachs said to the media earlier in the week at a Climate Week NYC conference in New York.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has pegged Sachs as the head of the new intellectual lobbying group of experts called the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and says he will be in charge of working closely with “United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions and other international organizations” in order to keep a catastrophic climate disaster from impacting the Earth any sooner than experts already expect.
At the Climate Week conference, Sachs said he has no problem putting global taxes on the books to clean up the planet and put future generations at ease.
“I’m happy to have the future pay for a lot of this,” Sachs said, according to Bloomberg News. “It doesn’t have to be current financed.”
Fox News now reports that “an around-the-world tax” that’ll require rich countries to cough up $25 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions could bring in as much as $250 billion a lone to be used on other members states. The proposed billionaire-tax, Fox adds, could collect upwards of $50 billion annual.
The UN is expected to consider the likelihood of certain “innovative methods of financing,” as they call it, as it continues discussions after this week’s General Assembly and into December, when this GA session wraps up.
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