“Stability operations, which are usually military operations in civilian environments, include many missions, among them peace operations, combating terrorism, counter-drug operations, population control and nation assistance.”
“While we’re seeking to rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region while maintaining our emphasis on the Middle East, as we must, we’re also viewing security cooperation as a way to sustain our defense commitments within Europe and partnerships across all regions,” Schear stated.
In his speech, Schear stressed that working with the private sector both in Europe and the U.S. is crucial in ensuring that the “stability operations” such as population control are effectively implemented:
“I would even go further, and say not only the U.S. government but our allies and partners will see increasing needs for private-sector expertise and capabilities in areas such as improving governance, monitoring tenuous situations, and providing an immediate-response capability.”
Population control as a part of America’s geo-political objectives was formulated as far back as 1974 by Kissinger in his infamous report NSSM 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. In this heartless report, population control is being considered as a formidable US security interest, especially in regards to world food supplies:
“Since population growth is a major determinant of increases in food demand, allocation of scarce PL 480 resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production. In these sensitive relationships, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion.”
Another one of Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry Kissinger’s statements:
“(…) overall assistance strategy should increasingly concentrate on selective policies which will contribute to population decline as well as other goals. This strategy reflects the complementarity between population control and other U.S. development objectives, particularly those relating to AID’s Congressional mandate to focus on problems of the poor majority in LDC’s.”
The possibility to use food as a weapon in the demographic chess game is also being mentioned:
“Without improved food security, there will be pressure leading to possible conflict and the desire for large families for “insurance” purposes, thus undermining other development and population control efforts.”
The latest comments by a senior defense official in the U.S. military underscores the fact that population was and is of major concern to the establishment, not only for American security interests but for those of the New World Order.
Jurriaan Maessen’s blog is Explosivereports.com.
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