This will no doubt get
plastered all over the web, but like just about anything I put up, it
To further bolster this fact, Here is Google Maps of Benghazi Libya. Delete Benghazi Libya from the search window, and type the word EMBASSY or CONSULATE there. Because one does not exist in Benghazi, it will throw you to an alternative location near you. Here is the Wikipedia list, no doubt soon to be faked, it will happen fast here Wont last long and if any fakes get thrown in, well, there are TONS of lists out there, and I will just snag another. They can't bury this lie.
No wonder the Libyans are pissed! Is ANY of this real? Are there ANY embassy raids or riots happening ANYWHERE? This kind of desperate lying would indeed be used if an attack on Iran was SO IMMINENT THAT THE CONSEQUENCES OF GETTING CAUGHT IN THE LIE ARE IRRELEVANT. All they need is to fake it till they make the vote, and then say OOPS, we got the story wrong.
This begs the question, WHERE did the pictures and video come from? Answer. The U.S. and Israel are so guilty of so many war crimes that this type of footage is commonplace in archives. Since the consulate does not exist, they can put up any picture of any building they want and call it that, and no one is going to say "that is not what it looks like".
Many of you are worried about what is coming next. They handed us the silver bullet. Please use this bullet to shoot out the heart of the media werewolf, THIS IS THE BIG CHANCE. This lie is SO BRAZEN and SO OBVIOUS that it should be enough to tip the balance and destroy the credibility of CNN, FOX, ABC, YOU NAME IT, ONCE AND FOR ALL WITH ANYONE. Don't miss this chance, because once awaken to the fact that the media really does lie, a blinded lamb will often go bull stomping crazy.
And with the darkness of this hour, we definitely need it.
This article has withstood the scrutiny of several people on the
forum who worked through the night to protect the credibility of this
web site (and I thank them). One of them pointed out THIS ARTICLE,
which speaks of the reopening of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli on August
27, which had to be rebuilt new after the war. Don't let this confuse
you, there is no Benghazi embassy, consulate, or diplomatic mission too
new to be in any record.

And the Guardian says it's here (you have to click the little arrow that says next to make their animation work.
Since the consulate is a fiction, both pictures will do because NO ONE is going to be able to check up on the story anyway. Last I heard, the State Department is no longer answering questions with regard to the embassy, probably because people can't figure out where it really is.
The first embassy attack came on 911, which is an Israeli terror holiday, and a day of dread for Muslims. It also is embedded in the American psyche, and there really are a lot of "chicken brains" out there who might fall for such a coincidence.
In addition to this, Canada suddenly shuttered it's Iranian embassy in a very childish and abrupt way, with no provocation to justify it. Look for a false flag in Canada once Israel is done having fun in the Arab world, to turn public opinion against Iran. As it is, many Americans are unable to discern the difference between Iran and Bahrain, or any other Islamic nation. I'd bet a $50 that over half of the war mongering crowd could not find Iran on a globe.
Then there was the idiotic Hezbollah bust at the Mexican border, COME ON NOW, THAT was stupid! The only thing Hezbollah would be able to get through the Mexican desert would be an old duffel bag on a retired Honda three wheeler. But we just GOTTA have that sleeper cell cover story for that new false flag terror attack likely to soon happen on American or Canadian soil.
"My brother and his family live in Jerusalem - he is a minister - his office is close to one of Israel 's largest underground military bases.
He called me last night which is very unusual - usually it is email.
He called to tell me that he is sending his family back to the US immediately due to what he is seeing happen within the last week and what he is being told by his military contacts in both the Israel and US military.
He said he is seeing with his own eyes military movements the likes of which he has never seen in his 20+ years in Israel .
What he called a massive redeployment and protective tactics of forces is underway.
Over the last two days he has seen anti-aircraft missile deployments throughout the Jerusalem area including 3 mobile units that he can see from his office windows.
In addition, he has seen very large Israeli armored columns moving fast toward the Sinia where Egypt has now moved in Armor.
There are reports of the top military leaders meeting with Israel 's Sr. Rabi which is something that has happened preceding every prior military campaign.
His admonition is to watch carefully and pray for Israel and its people.
He is convinced that barring something extraordinary Israel will attack Iran - with or without the US - and very soon.
It is the belief in Israel that Obama does not stand with Israel but with the Arab countries.
He has told me before that Israel will saber rattle from time to time but that this time is very different from what he is seeing and hearing.
He was at the Wailing Wall 2 days ago and there were hundreds of IDF soldiers there. As he was leaving he passed at least 20 military buses full of soldiers in route to the wall.
He has never seen this before either."
My comments
Israel is a nation that won't stick it's neck out when it could get it's head cut off. Iran could easily do that. So expect Israel to use their nuclear weapons as an opening volley, and to do it in a despicable way that levels Iran. Don't be surprised by a death toll over 10 million if Israel goes ahead with this. Israel will NOT target only Iran's nuclear facilities, Israel will attempt to smash Iran in it's entirety, and absolutely will if they believe that a sneak nuclear attack would prevent a single Jewish death. Iran has tens of thousands of missiles capable of reaching Israel, and prior to all of Israel and America's game playing in Syria, there were additional tens of thousands more there. With Syria neutralized, Israel is now free to go in and destroy Iran, and America has already previously stated and agreed that if Iran does even ONE thing to Israel to defend itself, America will step in and smash Iran on Israel's behalf.
In conjunction with this attack, expect Israel to cut the sub sea internet cable that connects Iran to the outside world, so the atrocities will be slow to be revealed, that is IF they are EVER revealed.
The following is not intended to be understood by most readers
There is a way to know if nukes were used, cut cable or not. I suggest now is a good time for anyone who has a storage scope to set it up to capture the EMP signature of any nuclear weapons in use. The EMP signature has nothing to do with the seismic signature. To capture an EMP signature, just go to the hardware store and buy a spool of Romex electrical wire, leave it in a coil, and hook ONE end of One of the conductors in it up to the scope input, and the other end of the SAME conductor to ground. Set the scope up for event capture, and if you have a multi channel scope, set one channel to capture an event that is at 10 mhz, and will be 8 cycles in length, another channel for the same at 1 mhz, and another channel at 100 khz, if available. Romex has 3 conductors. EMP's vary. So that will cover all possible ranges the emp from a nuke could show up at.
Of course, you will need to put a coil with at least a few millihenries of inductance on the ground side, and perhaps a 1 nanofarad capacitor at the scope input, and that type of setup will want to pick up all types of environmental noise but if you play with it to reduce the noise or build any sort of circuit to tune out the noise it ought to work. If you are the type that would have that sort of test equipment you should be able to come up with something that will work with whatever situation you have. Obviously, if you want to capture the higher frequency, a smaller coil would be used. I am suggesting a coil to mitigate the need for an enormous antenna.
Unfortunately I can't tell you how strong a signal is going to be, so guess. If you scope has headroom, use it. You stand NO chance of blowing up a scope using it this way because scopes are robust and Iran for most people is on the other side of the world and the signal is likely to be very weak. It will appear as a sinewave that starts with a peak, tapers to a lower peak on the next cycle, a lower peak on the next cycle, down to extinction right around cycle 8. Look at the wave on the front of a Dorito's bag. That is the stylized EMP from the Sumatra nuke. I never got down to the details on that one with this site, but that wave shape on the front of a doritos bag is in fact a nuclear EMP waveform that has been italicized, and it is the one that India published for the boxing day tsunami.
On your scope, THIS is what you are looking for:

Of course, this has been stylized, this wave form will be oriented straight up and down on your scope and not leaning, and not italicized. I guess the joke is "atomic crunch". This became the Dorito's logo approximately five months after the boxing day tsunami. This came in at around 10 MHZ because the nuke was detonated under water. Most likely this joke was pulled at a lower level and the upper management is unaware. The "elite" get a laugh out of putting their crimes in plain sight.
Hopefully if people set up their scopes to capture this, Israel will not dare because if enough people capture this it will not stay hidden, and secrecy for these people is 95 percent of victory. There are a gazillion storage scopes out there, unlike seismographs which are easy to control and censor on account of scarcity. Absent Romex, even a coil of speaker wire will probably do, any coil of wire with an inductance low enough to not block a 10 mhz signal or one of the lower frequencies (I would suggest setting it up for 1 mhz if your scope only has 1 channel) and it will be hit and miss results because there is no way to know the specifics of a nuclear EMP, and if you don't know which bomb and how it will be detonated (air burst, surface burst, sub surface burst) it will take a bit of luck to capture it. Air bursts are asymmetrical if close to the ground, and sub surface bursts tend to be symmetrical and at a higher frequency because the EMP will be shaped by it's environment and a confined environment will push the frequency up. I could go into the why aspect but I don't want to write a book right now and if what I have written here is not clear to you, ignore it, this is meant to be understood by a fraction of one percent of the people out there, which will hopefully be enough to deter Israel from doing it.
So how, PRAY TELL, was a U.S. consulate raided there, people murdered there, and butt raped in the name of Mohammed? This is BEYOND wag the dog!
Here is the link to the Department of State web site, with a complete list of All U.S. embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions world wide. There is one in Libya, obviously in Tripoli. And I will state right now that I have that Embassy page saved and captured, in case someone decides to bury this by faking Benghazi in for a while.To further bolster this fact, Here is Google Maps of Benghazi Libya. Delete Benghazi Libya from the search window, and type the word EMBASSY or CONSULATE there. Because one does not exist in Benghazi, it will throw you to an alternative location near you. Here is the Wikipedia list, no doubt soon to be faked, it will happen fast here Wont last long and if any fakes get thrown in, well, there are TONS of lists out there, and I will just snag another. They can't bury this lie.
No wonder the Libyans are pissed! Is ANY of this real? Are there ANY embassy raids or riots happening ANYWHERE? This kind of desperate lying would indeed be used if an attack on Iran was SO IMMINENT THAT THE CONSEQUENCES OF GETTING CAUGHT IN THE LIE ARE IRRELEVANT. All they need is to fake it till they make the vote, and then say OOPS, we got the story wrong.
This begs the question, WHERE did the pictures and video come from? Answer. The U.S. and Israel are so guilty of so many war crimes that this type of footage is commonplace in archives. Since the consulate does not exist, they can put up any picture of any building they want and call it that, and no one is going to say "that is not what it looks like".
Many of you are worried about what is coming next. They handed us the silver bullet. Please use this bullet to shoot out the heart of the media werewolf, THIS IS THE BIG CHANCE. This lie is SO BRAZEN and SO OBVIOUS that it should be enough to tip the balance and destroy the credibility of CNN, FOX, ABC, YOU NAME IT, ONCE AND FOR ALL WITH ANYONE. Don't miss this chance, because once awaken to the fact that the media really does lie, a blinded lamb will often go bull stomping crazy.
And with the darkness of this hour, we definitely need it.
This article has withstood the scrutiny of several people on the
forum who worked through the night to protect the credibility of this
web site (and I thank them). One of them pointed out THIS ARTICLE,
which speaks of the reopening of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli on August
27, which had to be rebuilt new after the war. Don't let this confuse
you, there is no Benghazi embassy, consulate, or diplomatic mission too
new to be in any record.
On top of this, the various news agencies can't even get the location of the consulate straight, proof of a bullshit story.
The Daily Mail says it's hereAnd the Guardian says it's here (you have to click the little arrow that says next to make their animation work.
Since the consulate is a fiction, both pictures will do because NO ONE is going to be able to check up on the story anyway. Last I heard, the State Department is no longer answering questions with regard to the embassy, probably because people can't figure out where it really is.
Article dated 6-6-2012 speaks of a "Benghazi embassy", which in the current wag is being called a "consulate" or "mission".
One of the forum members found what may have been a toe dip propaganda piece dated 6-6 2012, where a story of a bombing against this "benghazi embassy" was floated to see if anyone would call the media on it's bullshit. There was no significant coverage of this topic on ANY American news outlet, which I believe is fishy. If you were going to do a test run for a fictitious embassy, it would be best to do it in a limited way. My guess is they floated this story ahead of time to see if it would hold up before using this fictitious embassy for a major propaganda run in the U.S. and I simply do not believe CNNNBCABCFOXASS would not have been ALL OVER such a bombing. No comments from the President? Yeah right! Let's see a photo of this "Benghazi embassy" dated prior to Sep11. Even these articles dated June 6 do not have that, nor have we found any pictures anywhere else.And if this "Benghazi embassy" was around 4 months ago, how long before that did it exist? Why are they calling it an "embassy" in this article, and a consulate/mission in the current rip? How long would it take the state department, Wikipedia, and all other web sites, including ones that update daily, to show this "mission?" Is (a minimum) of four months enough? Oh, I know, it was run by OSAMA BIN LADEN, and therefore was not a favorite, and he is crazy, which is why it has been called a CONSULATE, an EMBASSY, and a "DIPLOMATIC MISSION" in the various reports, three representations so different that they are not the same thing at all! That works in fiction I guess!
9/13/12VIRTUALLY ASSURED - War on Iran given a GO
A reminder to Israel - Giving the world ANOTHER Fukushima will be politically unpopular, and this time you WILL get caught, even among the totally unaware
The attacks on the U.S. embassies are virtually assured to be Mossad operations
Israel has a long history of staging false flag events. Don't be fooled, there are NOT riots all over the Arab world simply because of a stupid movie insulting Mohammed. The Muslims deal with that all the time and are not so thin skinned. It's a virtual certainty Israel is banking on Americans being stupid enough to fall for it, and to fall for it WOULD be stupid because:The first embassy attack came on 911, which is an Israeli terror holiday, and a day of dread for Muslims. It also is embedded in the American psyche, and there really are a lot of "chicken brains" out there who might fall for such a coincidence.
In addition to this, Canada suddenly shuttered it's Iranian embassy in a very childish and abrupt way, with no provocation to justify it. Look for a false flag in Canada once Israel is done having fun in the Arab world, to turn public opinion against Iran. As it is, many Americans are unable to discern the difference between Iran and Bahrain, or any other Islamic nation. I'd bet a $50 that over half of the war mongering crowd could not find Iran on a globe.
Then there was the idiotic Hezbollah bust at the Mexican border, COME ON NOW, THAT was stupid! The only thing Hezbollah would be able to get through the Mexican desert would be an old duffel bag on a retired Honda three wheeler. But we just GOTTA have that sleeper cell cover story for that new false flag terror attack likely to soon happen on American or Canadian soil.
Most importantly
Yesterday a report came out of Israel that they had MASSIVELY mobilized their military. And WAY TOO SOON for any "you insulted Mohammed" riots to cause it. All this stuff is coinciding around a singularity in time, a singularity which has Israel at it's center as a probable culprit. And the outlook is not so good. Here is the report out of Israel, which will be followed with my final comments -War in the Middle East appears to be imminent
From Steve Quayle Alerts"My brother and his family live in Jerusalem - he is a minister - his office is close to one of Israel 's largest underground military bases.
He called me last night which is very unusual - usually it is email.
He called to tell me that he is sending his family back to the US immediately due to what he is seeing happen within the last week and what he is being told by his military contacts in both the Israel and US military.
He said he is seeing with his own eyes military movements the likes of which he has never seen in his 20+ years in Israel .
What he called a massive redeployment and protective tactics of forces is underway.
Over the last two days he has seen anti-aircraft missile deployments throughout the Jerusalem area including 3 mobile units that he can see from his office windows.
In addition, he has seen very large Israeli armored columns moving fast toward the Sinia where Egypt has now moved in Armor.
There are reports of the top military leaders meeting with Israel 's Sr. Rabi which is something that has happened preceding every prior military campaign.
His admonition is to watch carefully and pray for Israel and its people.
He is convinced that barring something extraordinary Israel will attack Iran - with or without the US - and very soon.
It is the belief in Israel that Obama does not stand with Israel but with the Arab countries.
He has told me before that Israel will saber rattle from time to time but that this time is very different from what he is seeing and hearing.
He was at the Wailing Wall 2 days ago and there were hundreds of IDF soldiers there. As he was leaving he passed at least 20 military buses full of soldiers in route to the wall.
He has never seen this before either."
My comments
Israel is a nation that won't stick it's neck out when it could get it's head cut off. Iran could easily do that. So expect Israel to use their nuclear weapons as an opening volley, and to do it in a despicable way that levels Iran. Don't be surprised by a death toll over 10 million if Israel goes ahead with this. Israel will NOT target only Iran's nuclear facilities, Israel will attempt to smash Iran in it's entirety, and absolutely will if they believe that a sneak nuclear attack would prevent a single Jewish death. Iran has tens of thousands of missiles capable of reaching Israel, and prior to all of Israel and America's game playing in Syria, there were additional tens of thousands more there. With Syria neutralized, Israel is now free to go in and destroy Iran, and America has already previously stated and agreed that if Iran does even ONE thing to Israel to defend itself, America will step in and smash Iran on Israel's behalf.
In conjunction with this attack, expect Israel to cut the sub sea internet cable that connects Iran to the outside world, so the atrocities will be slow to be revealed, that is IF they are EVER revealed.
The following is not intended to be understood by most readers
There is a way to know if nukes were used, cut cable or not. I suggest now is a good time for anyone who has a storage scope to set it up to capture the EMP signature of any nuclear weapons in use. The EMP signature has nothing to do with the seismic signature. To capture an EMP signature, just go to the hardware store and buy a spool of Romex electrical wire, leave it in a coil, and hook ONE end of One of the conductors in it up to the scope input, and the other end of the SAME conductor to ground. Set the scope up for event capture, and if you have a multi channel scope, set one channel to capture an event that is at 10 mhz, and will be 8 cycles in length, another channel for the same at 1 mhz, and another channel at 100 khz, if available. Romex has 3 conductors. EMP's vary. So that will cover all possible ranges the emp from a nuke could show up at.
Of course, you will need to put a coil with at least a few millihenries of inductance on the ground side, and perhaps a 1 nanofarad capacitor at the scope input, and that type of setup will want to pick up all types of environmental noise but if you play with it to reduce the noise or build any sort of circuit to tune out the noise it ought to work. If you are the type that would have that sort of test equipment you should be able to come up with something that will work with whatever situation you have. Obviously, if you want to capture the higher frequency, a smaller coil would be used. I am suggesting a coil to mitigate the need for an enormous antenna.
Unfortunately I can't tell you how strong a signal is going to be, so guess. If you scope has headroom, use it. You stand NO chance of blowing up a scope using it this way because scopes are robust and Iran for most people is on the other side of the world and the signal is likely to be very weak. It will appear as a sinewave that starts with a peak, tapers to a lower peak on the next cycle, a lower peak on the next cycle, down to extinction right around cycle 8. Look at the wave on the front of a Dorito's bag. That is the stylized EMP from the Sumatra nuke. I never got down to the details on that one with this site, but that wave shape on the front of a doritos bag is in fact a nuclear EMP waveform that has been italicized, and it is the one that India published for the boxing day tsunami.
On your scope, THIS is what you are looking for:
Of course, this has been stylized, this wave form will be oriented straight up and down on your scope and not leaning, and not italicized. I guess the joke is "atomic crunch". This became the Dorito's logo approximately five months after the boxing day tsunami. This came in at around 10 MHZ because the nuke was detonated under water. Most likely this joke was pulled at a lower level and the upper management is unaware. The "elite" get a laugh out of putting their crimes in plain sight.
Hopefully if people set up their scopes to capture this, Israel will not dare because if enough people capture this it will not stay hidden, and secrecy for these people is 95 percent of victory. There are a gazillion storage scopes out there, unlike seismographs which are easy to control and censor on account of scarcity. Absent Romex, even a coil of speaker wire will probably do, any coil of wire with an inductance low enough to not block a 10 mhz signal or one of the lower frequencies (I would suggest setting it up for 1 mhz if your scope only has 1 channel) and it will be hit and miss results because there is no way to know the specifics of a nuclear EMP, and if you don't know which bomb and how it will be detonated (air burst, surface burst, sub surface burst) it will take a bit of luck to capture it. Air bursts are asymmetrical if close to the ground, and sub surface bursts tend to be symmetrical and at a higher frequency because the EMP will be shaped by it's environment and a confined environment will push the frequency up. I could go into the why aspect but I don't want to write a book right now and if what I have written here is not clear to you, ignore it, this is meant to be understood by a fraction of one percent of the people out there, which will hopefully be enough to deter Israel from doing it.
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