cbslocal/The good news is that high school
students don’t bow down to a liberal government and get pushed around
without expressing their concerns – at least when it comes to getting
their fill at lunch time. Their voice is loud and strong when they are
rebelling for the right to eat. The bad news is that the United States
Department of Agriculture and First Lady Michelle Obama may be a tough
team for the young people to cross. But from reports, there is a sizable
group of high school athletes expressing their concern regarding the
food they are being denied every school day.
The high school students are complaining that their school lunches
are just too small this school year, and they’re hungry. While reports
have focused on students at a school in Wisconsin, it is now found that
complaints are being voiced throughout the country at the start of this
new school year. The new school lunch regulations being enforced by
the United States Department of Agriculture via First Lady Michelle
Obama’s healthy eating initiative are just not satisfying many of the
nation’s youth.
Ironically, it has been reported that school lunches now cost
20-to-25 cents more per plate or tray, but students are tremendously
dissatisfied with what is being put on their plates or trays.
According to various online comment threads, young people are fighting back by basically “going lunchroom rogue”.
One Internet site reports that some students are sneaking in items
that will liven up the lunches – items that are neither USDA-approved
nor Michelle Obama-approved – such as chocolate syrup which students
are selling on the black market by the squeeze.
Such entrepreneurs must be Romney-leaning, wouldn’t you think?
Reportedly, some schools are actually putting hummus and black bean
salads on elementary school children’s trays and the lunch supervisors
are not very surprised at all when they see the children leaving the
food items untouched. By definition, hummus is a Middle Eastern and
Arabic food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas, blended
with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Obviously, it is
something that most American children are not accustomed to and are
going to try for the first time at school when their parents aren’t
there to make them at least try it.
While the United States Department of Agriculture blames the young
people for not eating things they are not used to eating at home, the
bottom line is that the children are hungry all day. Data
has proven in the past that hunger is a severe deterrent to the
learning process and environment. In recent decades, the government has
taken to feeding needy children to combat the negativity of trying to
learn while being hungry. Now, with new Obama administration regulations
on school lunches, we have a government that is causing hunger.
Of the many regulated-policies created in the past four years during
the Obama presidency, this one should be the top of the “repeal-it”
list. Scratch that – it ought to be number 2, after Obamacare.
Most adults would be complaining that they’re starving, too, if they
had to eat hummus and black bean salad for lunch. And remember where
the president has been stopping on the campaign trail. The owner of a
pizza joint bear-hugged the president and picked him up off the floor
two weeks ago, not the owner of a hummus and black bean salad
establishment. Additionally, Sean Hannity on Fox announced that
President Obama’s daughters were served pizza for lunch today at their
school. How does that happen? Lucky them.
How about letting the president – or his daughters’ school – help
decide what goes on the school children’s plates instead of the
president’s wife. That way, at least the children will eat it.
A ruling handed down on September 13th by the D.C.
District Federal Court has finally made clear what many have known for
years–that the Obama Administration’s Iran policy was initiated and
advanced by a group with illicit, hidden ties to the Iranian Regime and
financed by the U.S./Israel- hating George Soros.
In 2009, Barack Obama turned over virtually all responsibility and
authority for foreign policy negotiations with Iran to Trita Parsi and
his National Iranian American Council (NIAC). Founded by Parsi in 2003,
the Washington-based NIAC is a powerful lobbying group that is “…widely considered the de facto lobby for the Iranian Regime in America.”
Like too many organizations that claim to represent the best interests of the nation of Iran and Iranian-Americans, the NIAC is tightly connected with
and known to be funded at least in part by the George Soros empire.
Small wonder NIAC advice on dealing with Iran was replete with claims
that Israeli propaganda was responsible for the negative image imposed
on otherwise peace-loving, misunderstood Iranian mullahs. Not exactly a
friend of Israel is George Soros.
And how did the reputedly “non-partisan” NIAC suggest the Obama Administration proceed with negotiations? Simple. The Council
“…opposes sanctions on Iran, soft-pedals any controversial events in
Iran, and counsels “patience” regarding Iran’s stance towards its
nuclear program.”
What better way for NIAC representatives to serve their hidden
masters in Tehran than by promoting a policy of “peaceful coexistence”
between the US and Iran. And to the NIAC, peaceful coexistence meant
“…acceptance of [the] Iranian government, accepting Iranian hegemony in
the Gulf and its place in other parts of the Middle East, removal of
sanctions and pressure against Iran, abandon of assistance to the
Iranian people’s resistance against the regime and etc.”
For the U.S., the consequences of this game of intrigue played by the
Administration’s hand-picked, Iranian representatives are summed up in
this statement by Barack Obama: “I’ve made it clear that the
United States respects the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
and is not interfering with Iran’s affairs.” And indeed, this is the path Barack Obama has followed.
Not exactly reassuring words from a president charged with keeping the
American public safe from a nuclear-bound administration of religious
fanatics dedicated to our demise.
And it is thanks to an ill-advised lawsuit that proof of the NIAC’s
wrongdoing has finally been placed before the American public. In 2008,
Trita Parsi and his organization filed a defamation suit
against perpetual critic Seid Dai. Dai had publicly accused Parsi of
secretly working with the ruling Iranian Regime against the interests of
the United States and the Iranian people. But when Parsi filed suit
hoping to silence-through-intimidation such potentially lethal
criticism, it opened the floodgates of legal discovery allowing Dai to
demand internal NIAC documents and emails that eventually “… confirmed
[Parsi’s] ties to the [Iranian] mullahs…”
Not only did recovered emails reveal
that Parsi had held “…numerous secret meetings with top level IRI
[Islamic Republic of Iran] officials,” “Court documents show the NIAC
was guilty of: lying to members of Congress, fraudulent membership
numbers, tax law violations and evasions, Lobbying Disclosure Act
violation, the Foreign Agents Registration Act violations, foreign bank
accounts, defrauding of federal funds, bribing of eye witnesses, etc…”
And so egregious were NIAC attempts to duck its legal
responsibilities of discovery that Judge John Bates dismissed the Parsi
defamation suit, ordered sanctions against Parsi for his failure to
comply with discovery, and ordered Parsi to pay significant percentages
of Dai’s costs and fees.
This is an immensely important story, not surprisingly “missed” in its entirety by the mainstream media.
But why has the Romney campaign not demanded Obama’s rationale for
handing the foreign policy decisions of the United States and the
security of the American people over to representatives of the Iranian
government itself? Could voters be pleased upon finding the president
had placed America’s safety from possible nuclear attack in the hands of
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
A woman and her baby evacuate to higher ground after a
strong earthquake in Sumatra in April.
(Heri Juanda / Associated Press / April 11, 2012)
Planet Earth may be 4.5 billion years old, but that doesn't mean it can't serve up a shattering surprise now and again.
was the case on April 11 when two massive earthquakes erupted beneath
the Indian Ocean off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, far
from the usual danger zones. Now scientists say the seafloor ruptures
are part of a long suspected, yet never before observed, event: the
slow-motion splitting of a vast tectonic plate.
The first of the quakes, a magnitude 8.7, was 20 times more powerful
than California's long anticipated "big one" and tore a complex
network of faults deep in the ocean floor. The violence also triggered
unusually large aftershocks thousands of miles away, including four off
North America's western coast.
"It was jaw-dropping," said Thorne Lay, a professor of Earth and
planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz. "It was like nothing we'd ever
At first, Lay wondered whether the computer code he used to analyze
earthquakes was wrong. Eventually, he and other scientists realized
that they had documented the breakup of the Indo-Australian plate into
two pieces, an epic process that began roughly 50 million years ago and
will continue for tens of millions more. Lay and other scientists
reported their findings online Wednesday in the journal Nature.
Most great earthquakes occur along plate borders, where one plate
dives beneath the adjoining plate and sinks deep into Earth's mantle, a
process called subduction. The April 11 quakes, however, occurred in
the middle of the plate and involved a number of strike-slip faults,
meaning the ground on one side of the fault moves horizontally past
ground on the other side.
Scientists say the 8.7 main shock broke four faults. The quake
lasted 2 minutes and 40 seconds — most last just seconds — and was
followed by a second main shock, of magnitude 8.2, two hours later.
Unlike the magnitude 9.1 temblor that struck in the same region on
Dec. 26, 2004, and created a deadly tsunami, the April 11 quakes did
not cause similar destruction. That's because horizontally moving
strike-slip faults do not induce the massive, vertical displacement of
water that thrust faults do on the borders of plates.
The type of interplate faults involved in the Sumatran quakes are
the result of monumental forces, some of which drove the land mass of India
into Asia millions of years ago and lifted the Himalayan Mountains. As
the Indo-Australian plate continues to slide northwest, the western
portion of the plate, where India is, has been grinding against and
underneath Asia. But the eastern portion of the plate, which contains
Australia, keeps on moving without the same obstruction. That difference
creates squeezing pressure in the area where the quakes occurred.
The study authors say that over time, as more quakes occur and new
ruptures appear, the cracks will eventually coalesce into a single
"This is part of the messy business of breaking up a plate," said
University of Utah seismologist Keith Koper, senior author of one of
the studies. "Most likely it will take thousands of similar large
quakes for that to happen."
The quakes were also notable for triggering powerful aftershocks
thousands of miles away. Though major quakes have been known to trigger
aftershocks at great distance, they are usually less than 5.5 in
magnitude. The April earthquakes triggered 11 aftershocks that measured
5.5 or greater in the six days that followed, including a magnitude 7.
Remote shocks were felt 6,000 to 12,000 miles from the main quakes.
Fred Pollitz, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey
in Menlo Park, Calif., and lead author of one of the studies, said the
quakes were extremely effective in transmitting seismic wave radiation
around the world. Though Pollitz said the magnitude of the larger
Sumatran quake is No. 10 on the list of quakes since 1900, no other
temblor has triggered so many strong aftershocks so far away.
"It's the most powerful earthquake ever in terms of capability of
putting stress on other fault zones around the world," he said.
Pollitz said the quakes were likely to teach seismologists about the
physics of earthquakes, particularly those along strike-slip faults.
That knowledge, he said, would certainly apply to California's San
Andreas fault, which is also a strike-slip fault.
Lay said that the Sumatran quakes were most surprising in that they
were completely unanticipated by seismologists and that he did not
expect the event to repeat any time soon.
US President Barack Obama (AFP Photo / Mandel Ngan)
out of 20 cabinet-level agencies under the Obama administration have
failed to follow the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act,
thereby disobeying the law that demands disclosure of public
White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew said in July that the Obama
administration “has been the most transparent ever.” But an analysis of
government requests filed by Bloomberg News has found an alarming
number of transparency violations, particularly when it comes to the
taxpayer-funded cost of travel by top officials. “When it comes to implementation of Obama’s wonderful
transparency policy goals, especially FOIA policy in particular, there
has been far more ‘talk the talk’ rather than ‘walk the walk,’’
Daniel Metcalfe, director of the Department of Justice’s office
monitoring the government’s compliance with FOIA requests, told the
news agency.
In 2009, the newly sworn in President Obama promised a new standard
of transparency that his administration has not upheld – even accepting
awards for what he oversaw as “the most transparent administration in
history.” “I will hold myself as president to a new standard of openness…
Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will
be the touchstones of this presidency,” he said while welcoming
his senior staff and cabinet secretaries to his office. Two years
later, the administration continued to boast about its supposed
transparency. “This president has demonstrated a commitment to transparency
and openness that is greater than any administration has shown in the
past, and he’s been committed to that since he ran for president and
he’s taken a significant number of measures to demonstrate that,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in May 2011, before the president accepted an award for transparency.
But Bloomberg’s report highlights specific instances in which
secrecy was a normal part of the regime. Under FOIA, the news agency
requested documents from 57 federal agencies regarding taxpayer-funded
travel. Only eight of 57 agencies responded within the 20-day timeframe
required by the Act. The other agencies are under violation of FOIA
for failing to submit the documents on time.
And Eric Newtown, senior advisor at the Knight Foundation, said there should be no excuses. “In a 24/7 world, it should take two days, it should take two hours,” he said. “If it’s public, it should be just there.”
Bloomberg eventually received documents disclosing fiscal year 2011
travel costs from about half of the agencies, although most came well
past the legal deadline.
Travel costs by top Obama officials, including the transportation
secretary, energy secretary, environmental protection agency
administrator and homeland security chief, remain undisclosed.
The lack of public disclosure regarding travel costs of many
cabinet-level top officials has become concerning since the General
Services Administration’s inspector general spent $823,000 of taxpayer
money on a one-day event in Las Vegas in 2010.
Another one of Bloomberg’s FOIA request also found that federal
agencies have increased their use of exemptions to block the release of
information under the Obama administration. Cabinet agencies employed
exemptions 466,402 times during Obama’s first year in office, which is a
50 percent jump from the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency. “I don’t think the administration has been very good at all on open-government issues,” said Katherine Meyer, a Washington attorney. “The Obama administration is as bad as any of them, and to some extent worse.”
cbslocal/Angered by the recent murders of four young people, the mayor announced today that police are going to impose drastic new measures to keep teens off the streets.
“There is something going on in the community at this point that
we’ve got to safeguard them and keep them off the streets,” Mayor Alvin
Parks said. “There are people shooting at each other for no reason
Among the new rules:
**Minors are to be off the streets at ten o’clock on both weeknights and weekend nights.
**Minors on the street during school hours will be arrested on sight.
**Police will also perform I.D. checks on street corners and conduct
gun searches, and Parks says he won’t hesitate to call in the National
Guard if the spike in violence continues.
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks announcing crackdown on youth violence
“The loiterers will be arrested, not warned, but arrested. Those who
are hanging out at 11th and Bond, 15th and Lynch, 38th and Waverly,
wherever you happen to be, if you are loitering, you will be arrested.”
Surrounded by police, Parks announced they also plan to arrest adult
males and young men wearing gang colors, amounting to a city-wide dress
“No royal blue, no bright red to be worn by our men or our boys in
this community,” Parks said. “Why is that? Those colors have long been
affiliated with gang kinds of affiliations”
Asked about Constitutional concerns, and the need for probable cause,
Parks says the recent wave of crime is the probable cause and
justifies the extreme new measures.
“Vehicles that are moving will be stopped and searched for guns,
weapons, drugs, and open alcohol and any other violations that are
taking place,” Parks later told KMOX’s Mark Reardon. “People who are
walking, people who are bicycling, can be stopped and searched for the
same and, when it comes to state IDs, we’re going to be confirming that
state IDs are in place for everyone involved.”
Parks noted the legal questions surrounding his new policies but said “most importantly, we have to do something.”
“We have desperate times, they call for desperate measures and they
call for extreme measures, things that we may not have done before, to
get the desired results. You cannot grow as a city if your children are
being wiped out and never given an opportunity to live.”
activity in the U.S. Midwest contracted this month for the first time
since September 2009, as new orders sank, a report showed on Friday.
The Institute for Supply Management-Chicago business barometer fell
to 49.7 from 53.0 in August. Economists had forecast an unchanged
reading of 53.
A reading below 50 indicates contraction in the regional economy.
The forward-looking new orders index plummeted to 47.4, from 54.8.
while the gauge of employment sank to 52.0 from 57.1 last month.
Mystery Behind Deep-Sea Crop Circles off the Coast of Japan
than 70 percent of Earth is covered in water, and the oceans remain
some of the most mysterious parts of our world. According to the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 95 percent of what lies
underwater has not ever been seen by humans. NASA confirms that humans
have better maps of the surface of Mars than of the bottom of the sea.
Earlier this year, off the southern coast of Japan, Yoji Ookata, a
deep-sea photographer and diver who has been documenting the deep sea
for more than 50 years, saw something he had never observed before. A
circular pattern of rippling sand about 80 feet below sea level and 6
feet in diameter was on the ocean floor. Ookata returned to the same
spot with a TV camera crew in tow to capture the discovery and figure
out who or what had created its intricate design. Ookata dubbed his new
find the "mystery circle" and was shocked to find out that a single
puffer fish, no more than a few inches long, had created the circles
using just one fin. The tiny fish works tirelessly day and night to
complete the design. While the circled sculpture is beautiful to look
at, Ookata and his crew learned that the fish's creation maintained a
dual purpose. Female fish are attracted to the ridges and valleys left
in the sand, and they deposit their eggs in the center. The eggs are
then shielded from the ocean currents, as the higher points of the
sculpture create a barrier to protect them. The more ridges a sculpture
contains, the more likely it will attract the females of the species.
This discovery really just scratches the surface of knowledge about the
ocean. The rest of the 95 percent still awaits exploration.
At least two recent incidents in which empty chairs were hung from
trees by rope have critics decrying what they say are racially
offensive displays meant to symbolize the “lynching” of President
Barack Obama.
In Austin, Texas, a homeowner hung an empty folding chair from a
tree branch in front of his house and later attached an American flag
to it. He reportedly told a Democratic political blogger who said she
had concerns, “You can take it and go straight to hell and take Obama
with you.”
In Centreville, Va., an empty chair with a sign reading “Nobama” was
strung from a tree in or near a park. “In short, this appears to be a
crude metaphor for the lynching of President Obama,” wrote the blogger
who posted the photo.
The image of an empty chair has been associated with Obama ever since
Clint Eastwood’s headline-grabbing, non-conformist speech at the
Republican National Convention three weeks ago in Tampa, Fla. The
82-year-old actor-director talked to an empty chair as if the Democratic
president were sitting in it, criticizing and mocking the “invisible
Obama” for 12 minutes.
“When somebody doesn't do the job, you've got to let them go," Eastwood said before making a throat-slashing gesture.
Hollywood star Clint Eastwood speaks at the RNC in Tampa, Fla.
In Austin, Katherine Haenschen, editor of Burnt Orange Report,
a Texas liberal-leaning political blog, said someone forwarded her a
photo this week of an empty folding chair hanging from a tree in front
of a home in the city’s northwest. A few days later the homeowner apparently added a small American flag to the display, according to a picture taken by a neighbor and forwarded to Haenschen on Thursday. [Picture above].
Haenschen said she called the man who she said lives in the home
with his wife on Wednesday night to express her concerns about the
display. Here’s what she said he told her:
“He replied, and I quote, "I don't really give a damn whether it
disturbs you or not. You can take [your concerns] and go straight to
hell and take Obama with you. I don't give a [expletive]. If you don't
like it, don't come down my street."
NBC News tried reaching out to the man for comment, but a telephone message left Thursday morning was not returned.
Haenschen said the display has apparently caused “great consternation” in the neighborhood.
“There are other neighbors up there who are Republicans who find
this as offensive as anybody else does,” Haenschen told NBC News.
“Someone always wants to say, 'you’re making a big deal out of it,
it’s just a chair.' But I don’t see how you can dismiss the racial
message of lynching a symbol of the first African-American president.
It’s really tough for me to see how folks might, after the Eastwood
speech, not view this as a racially charged message and a symbol of a
threat to the president’s life.”
Rosemary Edwards, chairwoman of the Travis County Republican Party in
Austin, said she was not aware of the display. She said if anything
racial is suggested by the display, it would be "deplorable."
In Virginia, a photo posted on Tuesday on Blue Virginia, a Democratic-leaning political blog, shows an empty chair with a handmade "Nobama" sign strung from a tree by a rope.
Courtesy of Blue Virginia
A chair with an anti-Obama slogan hangs from a tree in Centreville, Va.
The blogger, who goes by the username “lowkell,” said photos of the
display were taken with a cellphone by someone who was leaving the
KORUS festival, an annual gathering organized by a local
Korean-American association, at Bull Run Regional Park in Centreville
over the weekend. “Obviously, it's beyond grotesque (it also boggles
my mind that this was allowed to be put up, let alone to stay up, at a
festival presumably visited by thousands of people - wtf?),” lowkell
Lowkell told NBC News the photo was forwarded to him by a source who "wants to remain anonymous."
The display was on private property neighboring the park, a park official told the Centreville Patch. The park is about eight miles from Centreville High School, where Obama appeared at a campaign rally in July. It was not known who put up the display.
The Secret Service said it was looking into the empty chair
incidents. "The Secret Service is aware of this and will conduct
appropriate followup," spokesman Brian Leary told NBC News.
Lynching, the killing of people, usually by hanging or shooting, by
mobs who take the law into their own hands, occurred most frequently in
the U.S. from the late 1800s through the 1950s. Most of the lynchings
took place in the South, and most of the victims were black. Related:
wildfire in east-central Idaho has burned through three former mining
sites containing traces of radioactive thorium and uranium and was
advancing a fourth such site on Thursday, but state officials said they
believed the risk to human health was low.
As a precaution,
state environmental authorities planned to take air samples in North
Fork, a small community in the fire zone north of Salmon, to assess any
radioactive hazards posed by fire damage to the sites.
One area of concern is a defunct uranium mine and milling operation 5
miles west of North Fork, where the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency conducted a cleanup several years ago of polluted soil,
hazardous wastes and piles of raw uranium and thorium ore.
decontamination of buildings at that site was ever performed, and at
least one of those buildings burned in the fire, according to officials
from the state Department of Environmental Quality.
also swept two abandoned gold mines about 20 miles west of North Fork,
where surface radiation, presumably from natural uranium and thorium
deposits in the ground, has been measured at several times normal
background levels, officials said.
Authorities said they were
unsure how recently the wildfire had encroached on those three mining
sites. But the situation was brought to the attention of the
Environmental Quality Department on Thursday, agency officials said.
"This is new ground for us, but we are dealing with the issue at this
time," said Erick Neher, a regional administrator of the department,
adding that the risk of human exposure stems from the potential for
radioactive material consumed by fire to be become airborne.
"Because there is potential and because there has been concern amongst
the citizens, we will be measuring radioactivity," he said.
The air testing comes as the threat of property losses in communities near the so-called Mustang Complex fire has receded.
The blaze has devoured some 330,000 acres of pine woodlands since it
grew from several separate lightning-sparked fires in late July in
remote stretches of the Salmon-Challis National Forest. Authorities on
Thursday lifted a mandatory evacuation order for 400 homes in the area.
Idaho environmental officials said smoke pollution, which has
blanketed the area for more than a month, is the more pressing hazard.
They renewed a call for area residents to stay indoors and wear masks
when outdoors.
"This is very unhealthy air. We're well beyond
the point where it just affects the young and the elderly. It affects
all age groups and all degrees of health," said Mike Simon, acting air
quality administrator for Idaho.
The chief health hazard is
from fine soot particles that can worsen existing respiratory or
cardiovascular ailments, said Annyce Mayer, an occupational and
environmental medicine physician at National Jewish Health in Denver.
Cindy Hallen, who lives roughly 10 miles from a former uranium mine said she is not taking any chances.
"I'm wearing a mask, and I'm urging my neighbors to wear masks. I'm going to the worst-case scenario," she said.
(Additional reporting by Jonathan Kaminsky; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)
(NaturalNews) Amid all
the controversy over genetically-modified (GM) crops and their
pesticides and herbicides decimating bee populations all around the
world, biotechnology behemoth Monsanto has decided to buy out one of
the major international firms devoted to studying and protecting bees.
According to a company announcement, Beeologics handed over the reins
to Monsanto back on September 28, 2011, which means the
gene-manipulating giant will now be able to control the flow of
information and products coming from Beeologics for colony collapse
disorder (CCD).
Since 2007, Beeologics has been studying CCD, as
well as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), for the purpose of coming
up with intervention-based ways to mitigate these conditions. And
based on the way the company describes both CCD and IAPV on its
website, Beeologics has largely taken the approach that intervention,
rather than prevention, is the key to solving the global bee crisis.
that Beeologics is owned and controlled by Monsanto, the company is
sure to completely avoid dealing with the true causes of CCD and IAPV
as they pertain to Monsanto's crop technologies -- GMOs and their
chemical counterparts. So going into the future, it seems expected that
Beeologics will come up with "scientific breakthroughs" that deny any
link between CCD and GMO technologies, and instead blame mystery
pathogens and other factors that require more chemicals to eliminate.
According to Anthony Gucciardi at Activist Post, Beeologics has also long had a cozy relationship with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is convenient for Monsanto. The USDA, in fact, considers Beeologics to be one of the foremost bee research organizations in the world, as does the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the mainstream media and "leading entomologists" worldwide, according to the company.
Monsanto to use Beeologics' 'biological tools' to develop more GMOs, crop chemicals
Beeologics' acquisition announcement explains that Monsanto plans to incorporate all the biological research
that Beeologics has conducted over the years into its own programs for
developing more GMO systems. Monsanto has also seized control of a key
product that is currently in the Beeologics development pipeline that
supposedly "help[s] protect bee health."
"Monsanto will use the
base technology from Beeologics as a part of its continuing discovery
and development pipeline," says the announcement. "Biological products
will continue to play an increasingly important role in supporting the
sustainability of many agricultural systems."
To translate, it appears as though Monsanto plans to use even more chemical inputs to supposedly solve the bee collapse problem, even though it is these very inputs that are largely the cause
of the bee collapse problem. Several recent studies, after all, have
definitively linked crop pesticides and herbicides, as well as high
fructose corn syrup, to CCD.
The future looks bleak for bees, in
other words, as Monsanto appears poised to slowly gobble up all the
competing companies and organizations that threaten its own GMO
products, while pretending to care about the dwindling bee populations.
And unless drastic action is taken to stop Monsanto in its continued
quest to dominate global agriculture, the food supply as we know it will
soon be a thing of the past.
This photo of beggars being confined in a cage during a local fair
in China provoked outrage when it was posted on Weibo, China's most
popular version of Twitter.
BEIJING – With more than 100,000 pilgrims and visitors expected to
attend the annual Xishan Wanshou Palace Temple Fair, authorities
thought it would be a good idea to confine the local beggars in one
more than 100 beggars from the town of Xishan, in China’s southern
Jiangxi province, were placed in a 165-foot-long iron cage during the
fair on Sept. 15.
But when pictures of the beggars in the cage were posted on Sina
Weibo, China’s most-popular version of Twitter, there was an outpouring
of criticism online. Most netizens were furious.
One micro blogger wrote, “It’s just like a zoo. This is trampling their dignity.”
Another blogger sarcastically chimed in, “Our government always
boasts that China has the best record on human rights. Before I did not
believe that, but today I am convinced. These officials are just too
smart, treating people as dogs.”
Others thought the pictures are too ridiculous to be true.
So NBC News called the civil affairs office of Xinjian prefecture
government, which oversees the annual fair at the Taoist temple in the
town of Xishan, to verify the photos were real. Mr. Wan, head of the
civil affairs office, acknowledged that the photos were in fact real and
told NBC News that it was the best solution the government could find
for the problem so far.
“We had to consider both sides: the pilgrims and the beggars. There
are some fake beggars who just want to trick money from pilgrims. We
did see the pilgrims were harassed by such beggars in the past. On the
other hand, the temple fair is so crowded that beggars might be hit by
cars or trampled by the crowd,” said Wan.
Cities and towns across China hold fairs in or near the local Taoist
temple usually once a year, or in some instances monthly. In this
case, the town of Wanshou was holding its annual fair, hence the
preparation for big crowds.
Xinjian government also made a statement on its official Weibo
account saying: “In order to avoid accidents, we provided this
temporary rescue shelter whose two exits are open. All the beggars
voluntarily entered it.” Watch World News videos on
Many netizens were not satisfied by the answer and believe it was
just an excuse by government officials to justify their behavior.
One blogger posted, “Despite any reasons they may have, the moment
the government locked the beggars in the cage, they had already
stripped away these people’s dignity.”
To many Chinese, the photos also damaged their impression of temple
fairs. For centuries, the temple fair, “Miao Hui” in Chinese, has
played a unique role in ordinary Chinese daily life. It originated in
ancient times when people offered sacrifices to gods, but later it
gradually turned into a marketplace for people to exchange goods and a
place to see cultural performances.
During the last 10 years, the Chinese government has encouraged the
fairs in order to emphasize traditional values. But this incident has
left a bad impression of local officials and how they organize the
One blogger wrote: “What should be caged is power.”
leaked training manual used in the State and Local Anti-Terrorism
Training (SLATT) program for law enforcement and funded by the
Department of Justice lists political bumper stickers expressing
opposition to the United Nations and support for the bill of rights as
indications of terrorist activity.
The presentation documents, leaked to the Public Intelligence website, are entitled Terrorism Training For Law Enforcement
and are marked “law enforcement sensitive.” The program is funded by
grants from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Slides for the presentation depict the kind of behavior that law
enforcement officials should be wary of in spotting potential terrorists
during highway patrols.
One of the slides – entitled “Fourth Amendment Issues” – notes that
“a suspicious map located on the passenger seat” could warrant further
investigation as a potential indicator of terrorism.
Another slide entitled “General Right Wing Extremist” – depicts
suspicious bumper stickers that should warrant further investigation by
cops conducting traffic stops.
The bumper stickers read, “Know Your Rights Or Lose Them,” and “If
You Love Your Country, the U.N. Is Not Your Friend!,” and “Get US Out Of
the United Nations”
Under the category of “Special-Interest/Single Issue Terrorism,” the
slide characterizes people who hold political opinions that “represent
a fairly popular point of view” as terrorists. Anti-abortion activists
are also listed as terrorists under this category.
Another slide lists people who are “antigenetic engineering” as terrorists. Presumably, that includes people who are concerned about a new study which found that rats fed with genetically-engineered Monsanto corn suffered premature deaths.
Apparently, the Department of Justice considers Americans who have a
good grasp of the bill of rights, are concerned about the food they
eat, those who politically oppose the United Nations, and even those
who hold “fairly popular” opinions, to be likely terrorists. Perhaps
the DOJ is drawing inspiration from the Department of Defense, who in
2009 characterized the First Amendment right to protest as “low level terrorism”.
These documents are by no means the only instance in which displaying
political bumper stickers has been characterized as a suspicious and
potentially terrorist activity by the federal government. The infamous 2009 MIAC report,
published by the Missouri Information Analysis Center and first
revealed by Infowars, framed Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people
who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly
a U.S. flag, as potential terrorists.
Under the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism program, the bulk purchase of food is also labeled as a potential indication of terrorist activity, as is using cash to pay for a cup of coffee, and showing an interest in web privacy when using the Internet in a public place. A recent Department of Homeland Security-funded study
produced by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and
Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland characterizes
Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and
“reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
Given that the DHS is now recruiting citizen spies
to report “suspicious activity” via apps on their smartphones, don’t be
surprised to see SWAT teams being called out to Starbucks on a regular
basis to apprehend terrorists who choose to pay for their cup of joe
with a few dollar bills.
One can only imagine what kind of response would be generated by someone paying cash for a cup of coffee whoalso
has a political bumper sticker displayed on their car – the President
would obviously have to be immediately notified in order to prepare for
the enactment of emergency crisis procedures in order to safeguard
national security.
View the slides from the DOJ-funded presentation below.
Two Long Island
families with mysterious holes in their roofs think plummeting frozen
waste from overhead airplanes might be the cause of their troubles.
livescience/Lois Farella
awoke to a thunderous crash at 3:30 a.m. on Sunday morning (Sept. 9)
and found that her roof had a hole the size of a basketball leading
straight through the shingles, plywood and insulation, according to CBS New York. At the same time, the roof of Farella's next-door neighbor's house got a similar makeover. And when her roofer, Bryan Lanzello, investigated the damage, he reportedly found a brown, wet stain in the attic where the offending object would have landed.
“That’s a lot of blunt force that
did that [and it] was coming from a distance. It blew through an inch
and a half of shingles and those shingles are tough,” Lanzello said.
Convinced that the holes could only have been caused by something falling from an airplane, the two households called the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to investigate whether they'd been the victims of a shower of "blue ice."
Blue ice is a euphemism for the industrial-deodorizer-hued chunks of frozen human waste that can occasionally fall from airplanes with faulty waste tanks.
Though waste should never be
released from an airplane during flight, and in fact can't be released
intentionally since the valve to open the tank is on the exterior of
the plane, sometimes a leak will allow some waste to freeze to the
outside of an airplane at high altitude.
As the plane makes its descent, the frozen mass will begin to warm and can decouple from the craft.
According to a fact sheet on the
FAA’s website, any such blue ice “would melt long before it hit the
ground, dissipating into miniscule droplets that are nearly invisible."
But Arlene Salac,
a spokesperson for the FAA's eastern region office, told Life's Little
Mysteries, "If it's a large enough chunk of it, it falls off down to
the ground. It does definitely occur." She added that in the past,
people have frozen specimens of blue ice that landed in their yards or
homes to be back-matched to the namesake lavatory chemical and
hopefully linked to the airline responsible.
Salac said blue ice did not cause the mysterious Long Island roof holes, however.
"Inspectors went out there today
and it doesn't appear from the information we have at this point to be a
case of blue ice," she said. "Whenever we have these cases we pull the
radar tracks over the residents and there weren't any aircraft going
over that house at that time. The closest one was 3 miles away, so it's
not a case of blue ice, but we don't know what happened to the house."
Asked whether frozen waste might drift 3 miles on a collision course with a Long Island rooftop, Salac said no.
Arif Huseynov: “The Volcano was too powerful at the beginning and the mud covered more than 2 ha of the area”
Baku. Kamala Guliyeva – APA. Lokbatan mud volcano erupted in the
morning has weakened, Executive of Mud Volcanism Department under the
Geology Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Arif
Huseynov told APA.
Huseynov said that the eruption process is
being studied. The volcano accompanied by a rumble at 05.00 spew flames
at 09.00: “According to the preliminary observations, the eruption was
powerful and mud spread across the area of more than 2 ha. The exact
information will be announced after the measurements. But this eruption
was more powerful than the eruption in 2010. At that time, the mud
covered about 2 ha area.”
Husyenov says that no flame is being
observed in the area: “The volcano has already weakened. It is not
likely to flame again, as it’s weakened.”
The Lokbatan mud
volcano is the most active volcano in Azerbaijan and in the world. Last
time the volcano erupted in 2010. This is the 24th eruption of the
Fortunately there aren’t any houses in the area, but there are oil wells.
WH Nominates Wife of Major Dem Donor Saban to U.N. Gen. Assembly
Announcement comes less than a month after husband writes pro-Obama NYT op-ed
Cheryl Saban
Washington Free Beacon Staff/The
White House announced Wednesday it has nominated Cheryl Saban, the
wife of Univision chairman Haim Saban, to be a representative of the
United States to the General Assembly of the United Nations. Cheryl Saban
is described as an “author, philanthropist, and advocate for women and
children” in the White House announcement, serving on boards of the
Saban Research Institute, Girls Inc., and Children’s Hospital Los
Her husband founded Saban Entertainment—the production studio behind
“Power Rangers”—in the 1980s. Haim Saban is a major Democratic donor,
personally giving more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and
committees in the 2012 election cycle. He has donated at least $333,333
to the Obama-affiliated Super PAC Priorities USA, which is best known
for an ad suggesting Republican nominee Mitt Romney was responsible for a
woman’s death, as well as $325,520 to Majority PAC, a Super PAC touted by Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.). Patriot Majority, an arm of Majority PAC, launched a campaign in August targeting Charles and David Koch. Reid, meanwhile, has persisted with claims that Romney may not have paid income taxes.
Cheryl Saban’s nomination comes less than a month after her husband penned a New York Times op-ed defending President Obama’s Israel record.
The position was a marked turn for the Egyptian-born Israeli-American, who criticized Obama personally in 2011 for not visiting Israel, and labeled in 2010 the Obama administration “really left leftists, so far to the left there’s not much space left between them and the wall.
Now that Dallas officials have decided West Nile Disease has killed 14
people in the area and infected 557 more, the aerial spraying of a
pesticide called Duet will begin. The objective? Wipe out mosquitoes
that carry the virus.
But here's the bombshell: there is no
evidence that the supposed virus causing West Nile exists. This means
there is no proof West Nile disease exists.
And this fact has been known for years. Scientists don't like to talk about it. It's extremely embarrassing.
West Nile virus has never been isolated. "Isolated" means discovered.
This is a simple notion. Just as you can ask whether an explorer on a
ship, journeying to the tip of South America, ever arrived, you can ask
whether researchers ever found the West Nile virus.
The answer is no.
state the virus in question is 0.04 micrometers. At the same time,
they admit that the original fishing expedition for the virus employed
filters that were 0.22 micrometers. The obvious conclusion? You cannot
assume that whatever was trapped in the filter was West Nile virus. The
filter was too porous. It was nearly six times larger than the virus.
fact, Robert McLean, director of the National Wildlife Center of the
US Geological Survey, told ABC's Nick Regush, "We don't have a purified
form of the [West Nile] virus."
A stunning admission.
late ABC reporter, Regush, one of the few bright and independent minds
in mainstream medical reporting, followed up on McLean's pronouncement
with this: "I find no evidence anywhere in the scientific literature
that the rules of virus purification and isolation were thoroughly
followed [in the case of the West Nile virus]."
bottom line? In your search for a new virus, if you don't purify the
material in which you suspect the virus is contained and filter out
everything except the virus, and if you don't finally isolate it, you
cannot claim to have located it at all. This is not a mere academic
Two questions immediately pop up. How are people being diagnosed with West Nile if the virus has never been proved to exist; and what is making people sick if not West Nile?
answer to the first question is: antibody tests. These extremely
unreliable diagnostic tests are indirect. They supposedly show that
elements of the patient's immune system have encountered, in this case,
the West Nile virus, in the patient's body.
But antibody tests
can and do register positive for irrelevant reasons. It's called
cross-reaction. The test is pinging positive because other germs or
debris in the patient's blood have caused the sensitive material in the
test to respond.
It's a notorious fact in the case of HIV, for
example. In the early 1990s, independent journalist Christine Johnson
published a report showing that the HIV test could read falsely positive
for 60 reasons---none of them having anything to do with HIV. Other
researchers followed suit.
correlated clusters of human and bird "West Nile" cases with several
factors; among them, nearby polluting oil refineries, other air
pollution (certainly exacerbated by hot summer weather), and the
presence of toxic MTBE, an additive that makes gasoline in cars burn
Citizens of Dallas should take a clue from Jim West's work and examine their own environment for these factors.
are listings for at least eight refineries in the Dallas area. There
are also reports of increased air pollution coming from natural gas
production in the Barnett Shale. The 2012 summer has been hot. As of of
the year 2000, Texas refineries were producing 75% of all the MTBE in
the United States.
Now that 20 states have banned or reduced use
of MTBE, the domestic market has declined. However, there are new
horizons for the chemical: China wants it. The Huntsman Corporation,
which owns one of the largest MTBE-producing plants in the US, in Texas,
has signed a licensing and production agreement with the Chinese
chemical company, Yantai Wanhua.
How embarrassing would it be for
Huntsman's burgeoning business if, in its own Texas backyard, MTBE was
found to be contributing to illness and death?
Much easier to
blame it on a virus that has never been found. And much easier if other
Texas sources of air pollution are also let off the hook.
A major consumer magazine is warning Americans to limit how much rice they eat because of concerns over arsenic. yahoo/According
to a sobering report released to "Good Morning America" by Consumer
Reports magazine this morning, rice eaten just once a day can drive
arsenic levels in the human body up 44 percent. Rice eaten twice a day
can lead to a 70 percent increase in arsenic.
"We think that consumers ought to take steps to moderate their
consumption," said Urvashi Rangan, director of consumer safety and
sustainability at Consumer Reports.
Consumer Reports tested many
forms of rice for arsenic, from cereal for babies and adults, to brown
and white whole grain, pasta and drinks. More than 60 rice and rice
products were tested overall, including name brands.
Many contained what the magazine
calls "worrisome levels of arsenic"— some products had up to five times
higher levels than the arsenic found in oatmeal and one and a half
times more than EPA's legal standard for drinking water.
The researchers also found
geographical distinctions in arsenic levels, with white rice grown in
Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Texas, containing higher levels than
rice samples from other parts of the country. Those four states
account for 76 percent of domestic rice produced.
Inorganic arsenic is considered a
level one carcinogen, linked to lung and bladder cancer. Today, the
FDA will announce it has concerns about rice and arsenic and is
studying the issue, but in the meantime recommends a varied diet.
Consumer Reports calls for more.
"Foods really shouldn't be any different and as we look at the levels
we're finding in these products there needs to be a standard set for
these foods already," Rangan said. "We called for that on apple juice in
January, we're calling for that again in rice products today"
referring to a January investigation of data released by the FDA of
arsenic levels in apple and grape juice.
Surprisingly, when it comes to arsenic the less nutritional white
rice is better than brown. The carcinogen is most prevalent in the
outer layers of the grain and white rice is polished removing some of
those layers.
Consumer Reports suggests rice eaters limit themselves to one serving
a day, especially for babies. Rinsing and then boiling rice in a 6 to 1
water ratio removes about 30 percent of its arsenic. They also caution
that children under the age of 5 should not be given rice drinks as
part of their daily diet.
"We're not saying never do that," Michael Hansen, senior scientist on
the Consumer Reports study said. "We're saying it should be very
Although no products were named
in the report, Nestle, the parent company of Gerber, said in an
unsolicited statement to ABC News "all Gerber products are safe to
consume, including Gerber rice cereal and Gerber SmartNourish organic
brown rice cereal." They added that although they monitor arsenic
levels, consumer concern led them to "exclusively use California rice
in the production of our rice-containing infant nutrition products…
because California rice has the lowest naturally occurring arsenic
levels for rice grown in the United States."
The USA rice federation does not
dispute the findings, but says the results are overblown since there is
no documented evidence of actual illness linked to rice.
"These are very, very low
levels," Dr James R. Coughlin, president and founder of Coughlin &
Associates, an independent toxicology consulting company for the USA
Rice Federation, said. "Rice is a safe and nutritious food and in fact
people who consume rice more frequently in their diets are actually
healthier than other Americans."
Rice contains more arsenic than
other grains experts say, because it is grown while submerged in water.
Arsenic does appear naturally in the earth, but Consumer Report says
levels have been increased by use of arsenic-laced fertilizer.
Consumer Reports scientists
explain that arsenic is fed to chickens, turkey, and pigs, and their
manure is used as fertilizer for rice and other crops.
"All of those uses introduce
arsenic into our environment, into our food supply, and we essentially
are doing a lot of things to ourselves that deliberately introduce
arsenic into food supply," Rangan said.
This report follows a February
Dartmouth report that found organic products containing brown rice
syrup could have high arsenic levels.
The Illuminati Secret for Undetectable Mind Control
Unless you understand how reality is
manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the
hands of the ruling Elite who do understand it.
Living in the third dimension can be a blissful experience when you have
power, health, wealth, comforts and freedom. That’s what the ruling
Elite have manifested for themselves while the rest of the world
struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, debt and servitude.
The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is not only one world government. It is complete mastery over the 3rd dimension of time and space.
Notice how successful they have been at manifesting a Utopian 3rd
dimension for themselves – money, yachts, private jets, castles,
resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold, gems, servants and everything
they desire. You are part of their manifestation. You and the rest of
the world are literally at their feet. How did they do it? With their knowledge of the tools of Creation and Universal Laws.
The Universal Law of Attraction
What do you think about? The answer is revealed by the life that you
lead. If you think your life is miserable or great, you are right. Life
is whatever you think it is. The same is true for the state of the
world. It is what humanity collectively thinks it is. Energy and all
forms of matter attract like-vibrational energy. Our thoughts are energy
magnets. They attract whatever we point them at.
thoughts are living things. When you step into a room full of people,
you can sense the living atmosphere created by the collective thought
waves of the people in the room. You may sense a calm or a tense
The collective thought waves of the 7 billion people on Planet Earth
also create an atmosphere and it affects everyone either consciously or
unconsciously. Like the Borg in Star Trek, you can tune into this “collective consciousness”
and broadcast ideas to others who will receive and act on them. You are
a drop in the ocean of thought and the ocean of thought is in every
The Universal Law of Attraction is working in your life right now. You
are attracting the personal situations that you are experiencing. You
are also attracting the global situations through your individual
contribution to the collective mass consciousness. Think about what you
are contributing. Once you are aware of this Universal Law and how it
works, you can start to use it deliberately to attract what you want
instead of what you don't want.
Any thought you have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you
to the universe. Like a boomerang, it returns whatever you focus on. All
you have to do is allow yourself to expect what you want. Sounds easy,
right? The hard part is becoming 'doubt-free'. You must expect what you
want without doubt, act like you already have it and be grateful for it.
Like drops in the ocean, each and every person is individually
responsible for their contribution to mass consciousness.
By expecting a New World Order, an Antichrist, an Apocalypse and end
times, your contribution to the collective consciousness is "dark".
Expect miracles. Expect a Golden Age. When you assume 100%
responsibility for everything you’re experiencing in your reality right
now — absolutely everything — only then will you possess the power to
alter your reality.
❝Our world is a reflection of our subconscious beliefs. Our
subconscious mind can process 40 million neural impulses a second while
our conscious mind can only process 40 neural impulses per second. We
all know that if we focus on something long enough we can do it without
thinking, it becomes part of our subconscious routine. Lets make
compassion and understanding a part of our subconscious routine by consciously focusing on these higher aspects of the self in our everyday lives.❞ -Vito Santana
You are made up of billions and billions of "programmed" beliefs about what is real
and what’s not real, what you should or shouldn’t be or wear or say or
do. You have downloaded beliefs about how attractive you are, about your
body, your intelligence, about God, sin, life after death, morality and
class. You have been inundated with disaster scenarios about the future
of humanity - a global depression, an apocalypse, Armageddon, end
times, depopulation, nuclear war, an Antichrist ruler and other
dis-empowering, fear mongering, toxic propaganda.
“A Virus Called Fear” is a short film about the conditioning of fear,
and what irrational fears can lead to.
❝Neural electrical activity has been correlated with
different states of awareness. Children do not display the neural
electrical activity associated with conscious awareness until after six
years of age.
They spend the first six years of their lives in the state referred to
as the hypnogogic trance. This is the same state that hypnotists induce
to implant suggestions directly into the subconscious mind.
All patterns of behavior that emerge from experiences where conscious
processing is absent or suspended remain below the level of conscious
awareness, and tends to be repeated.
As an adult any experience that rises above a certain stress threshold
induces the hypnogogic state, resulting in a suspension of conscious
processing. In this state whatever we experience will be stored in our
subconscious memory but not consciously processed.
This is why we are bombarded daily with negative messages that frighten
us. It suspends our conscious processing and keeps our subconscious mind
open to suggestive programming. In this way we are molded to fit the
agenda of the elite.
We are regressed daily into a state of hypnogogic compliance and
downloaded with predictive programming by the media and entertainment
industry.❞ -Vito Santana
If you stop and look closely at your thoughts and beliefs, you will
discover that instead of serving you, they serve the agenda of the
ruling Elite. Although you may feel you are immune to religious and
political propaganda, your immunity is overpowered by the repetition of
messages that burrow into your subconscious just below your conscious
The ruling Elite have taught you slave consciousness. You tick-tack
through life with alarm clocks, car clocks, work clocks, the TV clock,
the cell phone clock, wrist watches, wall clocks and calendars. It’s
“breakfast time”, “lunch hour”, “break time”, “traffic hour”, “news
hour”, “happy hour”, “week end”, “dinner time”, “bed time”, “tax time”.
You sit in traffic, stand in line-ups, watch mind numbing TV trivia
interrupted by endless commercials.
You settle for a 14 day holiday out of the 365 days it takes for the
Earth to circle the Sun. You trade your labor for digits at the bank.
You celebrate birthdays, New Years, Valentine’s day, St. Patrick’s Day
and countless other repetitive cycles of commercialized nonsense. From
cradle to grave, you obediently tick-tack through life like an
automaton, serving the ruling Elite. Despite the servitude, they have
somehow convinced you that you are free.
❝Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong.
When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief,
the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is
extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is
so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore
and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.❞ -Frantz Fanon, French psychiatrist, philosopher and revolutionary writer
14 different methodologies of Mind Control.
These are the most necessary to understand because they are the most influential over mass consciousness.
1) Obfuscation: Just basic confusion of one thing for another- a smoke and mirrors game.
2) World View Poisoning: Conditioning the way people view human nature and their own self-value.
4) Divide and Conquer Strategy:
Highlight any perceived differences between people and then exploit
those differences to create infighting so they are easier to control and
5) Indoctrination of Education System:
A left brain form of Nazis called it mastery learning. grade school, HS
and university. Trivium and quadrivium education could counteract this.
6) Controlled Opposition:
Basic dialectic s-- dialectical mechanics or Hegelianism Creating
conflict that you already have an outcome management system for. Create
the conflict and wait for a type of reaction to the conflict (usually
chaotic that demands a resolution) and then you step in and resolve it.
Artificial conflict resolution.
7) Monetary System of Control:
Debt based fiat currency fractional reserve banking a system of
illusion that we call money yet people believe in it like its a religion
or god. People seem to be the most powerless to come out of. It exists
purely in the mind.
8) Control of Mass Media:
If you can control the info that people get to see hear and read you
control their perception of reality. If you limit the scope of what they
can take into their minds and awareness you limit their possibilities
of solutions. Human perception management.
9) Food and Medicine:
attack on the physical aspects of the body relates to how our brain
development goes. You affect thought and consciousness you are what you
eat. Use techniques that are damaging to consciousness through the
modern medical system
10) Illusion of Time:
Very important for people to grasp. Play on people’s seeming inability
to live in true present moment awareness-- getting people to live in
regret over the past or anxiety over the future. Its a fear based
technique. Takes us out of true present awareness. Being fully present
now to take on what is happening now. If our consciousness can be
manipulated into always looking into what has happened. It takes away
effectiveness of dealing with the current situation.
11) The DHR Factor: Denial, Hassle, Ridicule: What other
people perceive about you. Denial, hassle ridicule factor. Things are
fine the way they are I don’t want to rock the boat because I may have
to deal with hassle of other people. The hassle free zone is-- I don’t
want all the uncomfortable aspects of life that come with standing up
for truth. These are all fear based. Heightening those three forms of
mental instability. Trap of inactivity and not really doing anything to
make things better.
12) Religion:
We need to understand these last three the best. Religion is a form of
binding. To tie back Re-Ligare tying back. Forms of modern religion are
mind control based on astro-theology. Giving people an exoteric version
of something that was once esoteric or internal. Government is the
binding on the left brain... religion is the binding of the right brain.
13) Use of Subversive Symbolism:
Based on ancient sacred symbolism. Based on symbols that have been with
us from antiquity. Solar symbolism, life force symbols, energy, blood,
or anything we need for existence and life. They use these in modern
institutions--- banks, police, media, stores. We’re drenched in it.
Basic symbols have a powerful psychic influence. They can speak to us
without words. A wordless form of communication. Connects to occultism.
14) Problem-Reaction-Solution (Chaos Sorcery):
A mass demonstration or a public display of the dark aspects of the
Hegelian dialectic. Hegelian dialectic can be used in a positive or
negative sense. Chaos sorcery or false flag terrorism. This is ritual
magic being used openly in the light of day. You are creating a chaotic
situation in the light of day and you know it will elicit an extreme
reaction of fear and chaos that demands order be brought as soon as
possible. You are manipulating the fear in the limbic system-- people
are not in a state that they can reason. They are demanding solutions
purely out of emotions. They are in a reactive mode of consciousness.
They want the outcome of the game known before the game is played.
Interject chaos, you know the reaction its going to cause and you know. A
leap in consciousness will subvert this technique. This technique works
over and over again. Humanity won’t wake up. 9-11 was chaos sorcery.
We need to make the public aware of these techniques so people
can become street wise to them. Spread the knowledge through your
community. The universe is spoken into existence. We need to be a
reflection-- speak the truth back into the field of which we are a part
of. Actually speaking the knowledge that we have taken back into the
world around us.
have the power to influence matter and the physical world with just the
power of your thoughts. It's called 'telekinesis'. YOU WERE BORN WITH
THAT POWER. All you have to do is awaken your pineal gland or “third eye”. Like an atrophied muscle, this unused part of your brain can be strengthened through exercise and by eliminating fluoride from your toothpaste and water supply.
is the same mind-over-matter power that the ruling Elite have been
using since ancient times to manifest their power over you and over the
physical world. How do you think the stone tonnage of Egypt’s Great
Pyramids was cut, carved, moved long distances, erected and positioned
within fractions of an inch? Some of the stones weighed as much as 50
tons! Do you believe the media tales about how these Herculean stones
were moved without drills, explosives, lasers, forklifts, cranes or
steel cables?
The term ‘psychic powers’ conjures up negative
images of black magic, gypsies, witchcraft, exorcists, faith healing
hoaxes and sorcery. That is the reputation the corporate media has given
it. Why? To discourage your interest in developing your personal power.
Like any skill, your psychic powers develop with regular use and they
atrophy from lack of use.
In their book, China’s Super Psychics,
Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill describe the amazing psychic abilities of
gifted children. The American magazine Omni got involved when the
children were being tested to make sure there was no cheating. They
quickly became convinced that the children’s abilities were entirely
real. In one case, a child took a sealed pill bottle off a shelf at
random and placed it on a table. After a few moments the pills passed
through the glass bottle and settled on the table. The child then placed
a coin on the table and it passed back through the glass into the
sealed bottle.
In another case, a thousand people sitting in an
auditorium were each given a rose bud to hold. A six year old girl came
on stage and with a silent wave of her hand, the thousand rosebuds
slowly opened into full bloom before the eyes of the astonished
By practicing concentration exercises and telekinesis, you can learn the mechanics of manifestation.
Once you discover that you can move an object with the power of your
thoughts, you realize that you can influence matter at a molecular
level. You have the power to influence everything in the physical world from a molecule to the entire globe with just the power of your thoughts.
have the power to heal yourself and the Earth. It starts with the
belief that you can do it and then actually "doing it"! Learn how to
manifest the reality you want instead of the reality that the Illuminati
are manifesting for you.
It’s when we look at the source of these inspirational quotes in historical biographies of these people that the evidence of the Law of Attraction becomes much stronger.
❝Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.❞ -Albert Einstein
greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter
their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.❞ -William James
circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not remain so if you
only perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within
and stand still without. Let a person radically alter his thoughts, and
he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the
material conditions of his life.❞ -James Allen ❝Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve❞ -Napoleon Hill
your bliss, and doors will open for you that you never knew existed.
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there
were only walls❞ -Joseph Campbell